Chapter 9: Battle at Kuroyuri

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The grimm that stood before them had two parts. One was in the form of a horse, but only the hind legs ended in hooves, the fore limbs of the horse ended in claws. Growing from the back of the horse was the second part. This part took a humanoid form, but its torso was connected to the back of the horse, leaving it with no legs. It's arms were extremely long and ended in two clawed fingers which dragged along on the ground as the horse moved. The face was covered with a skull mask, which had wickedly curved horns protruding from it, making it more devil-like than humanoid, and there were spikes running down its back, which was also covered with spears and arrows. Trophies from previous opponents that had tried to kill it.

The devil raised it's head back and screamed loudly again, and everyone covered their ears at the sheer intensity of the sound. It then turned to look at Kai and the others, before tilting it's head to their left to look straight at...

Kai: "Qrow!" Kai immediately ran towards the immobile huntsman. Without warning the devil extended it's long arms towards Kai, but the black haired boy arched his back and slid underneath, neatly avoiding the claws, and got to Qrow's side. Acting quickly, he put one of Qrow's arms over his own shoulder, and lifted him up to his feet. Suddenly he looked up to the sound of hooves clattering on the paved floor. The horse was charging towards them.

Kai's free hand went to the hilt of his blade instinctively, but then the horse suddenly stopped in front of them, looking around like it suddenly couldn't see them. Kai turned his tead to see Ren concealing them with his semblance.

Ren: "Just get him to safety!" Kai nodded gratefully and began to walk away as fast he could, as the horse turned to face Nora and Ruby who were firing rounds at it. Kai dragged Qrow to a secluded spot at the foot of a building, hidden away from the battleground. As he set Qrow down and turned to leave, Qrow's hand shot out and grabbed him.

Kai: "Qrow?" Kai got down on his knees to speak to the black haired man, "Qrow can you hear me?" Qrow coughed a little, "Loud and clear kid" Kai heaved a sigh of releif, "How are you feeling?" Qrow coughed again, a little more severe this time, "Not very good I'm afraid..." he coughed loudly again.

Kai: "Just stay put and hang in there, we'll get you help as soon as we take down this grimm" Qrow sighed weakly, " careful kid. That grimm... it's not gonna be a walk in the park" Kai nodded, "I got it". As Kai turned to leave, Qrow grabbed his arm again, " thing"

Kai: "What is it?"

Qrow: "Don't...push your friends away...on my account..." Kai's eyes widened in surprise, before a look of regret came over his face, "Right" Qrow's arm fell limply by his side and Kai cast a final look at him before turning around and heading off to rejoin the fight against the monster.

Kai: "So, what's the plan?" Kai assembled beside Jaune and Ruby, brandishing his blade in front of him.

Jaune: "We've tried moving around in a circle but those arms are too fast and have way too much reach"

Ruby: "You're the experienced huntsman Kai, any ideas?"

Kai: "I dunno, I haven't faced anything like this before. Maybe if I observe it for a bit I can come up with a solution but...that's a big maybe"

Ruby: "It's the only chance we've got right now"

Jaune: "We're counting on you Kai" Jaune sheathed his blade, only for him to draw it again, with the sheath functioning as a part of the blade this time. He dashed towards the grimm as Ruby provided cover fire from Crescent Rose. Jaune got in close and slashed at one of the hind legs. The horse roared and jumped backwards, facing Ruby and Jaune fully. The devil raised its head up high suddenly, and began to spin quickly, its long arms extended outwards. Ruby and Jaune tried to avoid the arms, but it was like being stuck between the blades of a fan. The arms crashed into both Jaune and Ruby, sending them tumbling to the ground.

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