Chapter 2: Petra-GEIST

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In the middle of a forest somewhere in Anima, the ground shook violenty, and a loud rumbling sound could be heard by the three individuals who lay in wait behind a log; two boys, blond and black colored hair respectively, and an orange haired girl.

Jaune: "It's here" Suddenly a spinning red mass, leaving a trail of rose petals, burst out of the trees into a clearing. It unfolded in midair to reveal Ruby Rose, who then raised up Crescent Rose in its gun form and turned to shoot furiously behind her into the forest. The next second, a giant rock golem emerged form the forest, seemingly enraged by the gun shots and swiped a large hand at the red head, who narrowly avoided the attack.

Jaune: "Let's get that thing off her!" Jaune Arc ran off towards the golem, while Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie took their postions at the top of a tree.

Ren: "We need to draw it's attention away from Ruby" Nora nodded and transformed her hammer into its blaster form, unleashing a barrage of shots on the golem, which exploded on its back. Unfazed, it then struck out at Ren, who leapt from tree to tree, avoiding each swing of the huge hands, before launching himself into the air above the golem, his blades held in front of him, and then he came down with a spinning strike. The blades simply bounced off the rock hard surface of the golem, and Ren jumped back to the ground beside Jaune.

Ren: "My blades don't hurt him!"

Jaune: "Where is Kai? His blade should be able to take this thing down" The golem turned around to face the two boys, taking a menacing step forward.

Nora: "Oh crap"

Ruby: "How about this!?" She loaded a clip into her sniper and shot a lightning bolt stright towards the face of the towering monster. The golem raised its right arm to block the shot, and the lightning struck the arm instead.

Nothing happened.

The golem simply shrugged off the lightning, and raised its arm to strike again. The four students gasped in shock, as the giant rocky hand came down fast towards them. As they braced for impact, there was a sudden flash of orange light, and the golem's arm seperated from its body, falling uselessly to the ground with a loud boom. The students looked up to see a familiar dark haired boy, hoisting a giant blade over his shoulder. He turned back to them with a smile.

A/N: Sorry the paper I used got trashy after a while, this is actually an old sketch I did

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A/N: Sorry the paper I used got trashy after a while, this is actually an old sketch I did

Kai: "Yo"

Ruby: "Kai!"

Jaune: "Ugh thank goodness, what took you so long?" Kai simply shrugged nonchalantly, "I took the scenic route. I was actually hoping you'd be done by the time I arrived" Just then the golem advanced upon the group once more.

Ren: "Well, we're not done, as you can see" The golem used its other arm to smash the ground where the five students had been, and they scattered in different directions. Suddenly, a black grimm arm suddenly grew out of the empty spot where the golem's former rock arm was. The golem then stuck the hand into a hollow tree trunk, uprooting it from the ground with ease, revealing Jaune who had been using the tree as cover.

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