fantasy au

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Super bad and quickly written thing so I wouldn't forget. Probably only like 100 words. May or May not elaborate on it. Ft. North Korea because of reasons. Also at then end is a quick sketch of what nk looks like in this au okay goodnight

North was certain he would die. He was almost positive of it, the logistics of the situation at hand ran through his head and landed on the conclusion that yes, this was the day he would meet his maker. But that didn't happen, much like it didn't happen a dozen times before. As if death, every time north found himself in a sticky situation, wagged his finger and said "oh no, I am not meant to take you," which was almost ironic. Ironic because North was able to see and speak and sometimes, if he focused, touch the dead. The boy who saw death all the time hilariously would never be taken by him. But this didn't stop North from assuming he was as good as dead when he ran face first into a solid mass of fur, a muzzle pulled in a snarl shoved in his face a moment after. North's unofficial deal with death didn't matter when the biggest werewolf he'd ever seen pushed him down with one paw, as if North was just an unruly pup. And quickly, somehow faster than the beast, North screamed "WAIT!"
And miraculously, as always, death sided with him and the wolf stopped. Teeth still bared and drool spilling onto North's bare chest.
And it waited.
And North took the opportunity to speak, rambling out an apology and his situation and for once hoping for an ounce of pity to be tossed his way so he could stay alive.
He just needed to stay alive.

 He just needed to stay alive

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