something soft (nk x us)

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Sorry if this sucks I'm just rambling i guess and also I have 5 projects due Monday but instead I'm writing this 🚶

Prompt: North Korea lays his head in America's lap, America softly strokes North's face and says some real soft shit. (Also au where nk and American relations are better or something idk this is VERY inaccurate to history and current events but please let me have this one thing)

America sat cross legged on his bed while reviewing some documents before bed, his eyes straining to see what the small print even said.

America sighed, setting the pages down on his night stand and rubbing his face with his hands.

"North?" He called out, "can you come here?" He stared at his bedroom door and waited for north to pop his head in and after a few seconds he did just that.

"What?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

America pouted and held his arms out, flexing his fingers in a 'c'mere' gesture. 

"Sit with meeee" he whined. North only stared at him before rolling his eyes and making his way to America's bed, slowly getting on the bed to sit next to America. 

The American let out a sigh as he leaned over and rested his head on North's shoulder, eyes closed and content with breathing in North's scent. North nudged america off and moved so he was laying down, head on America's thigh and he glanced up at america an smiled.

"Tell me I'm pretty"

America smiled softly back, his hands cupping North's face, "You're the prettiest"

North's face turned completely red, not expecting America to say it. He turned his head to the side but America forced north to look at him again.

"You are handsome," he leaned down and kissed the other's nose, punctuating every compliment with a kiss.

"Smart as hell"






North was bright red from America, squirming where he layed in an attempt to get up but was forced to stay where he was. Despite secretly loving the attention he put his hands up to prevent another kiss, giving america the fakest glare the other had ever seen.

"Enough of that, I get it, you love me sooo much" 

America only grinned and peppered more kisses on North's face,

"But I do!" He giggled. "I love you so much, from your eyes to your smile to your hands-"

"Why my hands?"

America winked, "you know why" and north was suddenly blushing again, playfully slapping America on the shoulder.

"God, we were having a moment and you had to be gross" 

"There isn't anything gross about pointing out your handj-" 

"please stop talking!!" 

America laughed, loud and uncontrolled like he had just heard the funniest thing ever. And North liked it, liked how it didn't sound like the forced and practiced laugh that was used in meetings or the sarcastic laugh that led to arguments. It was the laugh that came out of no where from deep in your chest and he smiled fondly at the other, forgetting why he was even mad. Why was he mad? He didn't want to be mad anymore, he had already spent so much time being mad and suddenly he started laughing too. Laughing because america was laughing and now the two were at the point of barely being able to breath and they didn't know why. There wasn't anything funny even happening! But north had tears in his eyes and as he calmed down he wiped his face and went, "ah, god you make me mad but I love you" and he sat up so he could face America. "You get on my fucking nerves but i love you"

And America smiled back an said "I love you too" 

And then they made out idk y'all think I can write? Get out of here 

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