wait, you guys are still reading this shit?

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This was an old ass request for a friend as a Christmas gift? And it sucks but here you go, eat. Also i figured I'd post something that wasn't from my shit pile of dad au stories.
Weimar woke up to laughing, a deep rumbling voice, and a delicious smell in the air.

That wasn't normal, panic set in almost immediately. Weimar grabbed a pair of pants and shoved his legs through, not bothering with a shirt as he swung open his bedroom door and ran towards the noise, his bare feet smacking the hard tiles as he entered. His fists were already raised, adrenaline coursing through his body as he took in the sight of his grandfather and sons staring at him. They had soft concerned smiles as he slowly lowered his hands and as his heart slowed down to a steady beat. He sighed as a soft laugh escaped him and he ran his hand through his messy hair.

"Hey grandpa, good morning boys" he said.

Prussia gave a small nod as he flipped a pancake, a small stack on a plate sat on the counter next to him. West and East smiled at their father, their smiles big and bright like two small suns shinning just for him.

"We're making you breakfast!" West said, getting up to hand Weimar a small cup of coffee.

"You are? How thoughtful of you," he said, smiling into his cup as he took a sip. Weimar grimaced, the coffee was too sweet by his standards but he flashed a smile at the two little boys. "Take a seat papa!" East said, tugging Weimar closer to the table as West pulled out a chair. Prussia placed a small plate with two pancakes and some scrambled eggs in front of Weimar. The food smelled delicious, the warm smell wafting up into Weimar's nose. He grabbed a fork that was placed by him and shoved a pancake into his mouth, the soft and warm pancake tasted as wonderful as it smelled. He swallowed the food before looking towards a smiling Prussia,

"Where did you get all this food from?" He asked.

"Oh! Don't worry abo-"

"Great grandpa stole from the old guy's store!" East interrupted, his little wings flapping in excitement.

Weimar nearly choked on his overly sweet coffee.

"He did whAT now?" Weimar coughed out, trying to keep a neutral and schooled appearance. Prussia flashed him a nervous, sharp tooth smile as he went to sit doow next to his grandson. 

"Ah haha well what did you think i would do? Pay?" He asked, hand raised dramatically in the air. "In this economy? Unrealistic Weimar" 

Weimar couldn't believe his grandfather, or rather he could believe him he just didn't want to. Instead Weimar let out a soft nervous laugh again as he took a forkful of egg. He chewed as he waved the fork at Prussia, "just don't bring the boys next time, okay?" 

"Why not dad? Great grandpa is fun!" West asked, cocking his head.

"Yeah! And he let us get some chocolate too!" East said, pulling out a small bar from his pocket.

"Grandpa," Weimar hissed "you shouldn't encourage stealing!" 

"Baah c'mon Weimar! The old man is too blind and deaf to have even noticed, it's fine!" Prussia playfully hit Weimar's shoulder, telling him to eat more if he wanted to. Weimar, despite being slightly annoyed at his grandfather's actions, continued to smile through his meal. 

"Did you like your coffee? Me and West made it!" East said as he popped up beside his father. Weimar internally cringed but plastered a sweet smile, "oh it was delicious! But im afraid I'm full" he said, ruffling East's hair. East shrugged and grabbed a pancake off the plate Prussia had set in the middle of the table, scarfing it down like a hungry dog.

"While I’m here," Prussia started, "I might as well entertain with a few stories right?" He grinned, his eye twinkling with excitement. "Maybe a few embarrassing stories about your grandfather?" He turned to West and booped him on the nose "or perhaps maybe a few tales about your father?" He asked with a mischievous grin sent Weimar's way.

"Oh you wouldn't" he laughed. 

"But I would!" Prussia laughed, "like the time your dad mistook a fat raccoon digging in the trash for a werewolf" Weimar and the little boys laughed, the twins turning to their father with disbelief written on their faces.

"You guys just won't ever let me live that down, will you?" He asked, a soft smile resting on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"Let you live down the fact you cried and woke up the entire house? Of course not!" Prussia teased, the four of them erupting into laughter.

And with that the little family sat and listened to Prussia and Weimar take turns at telling stories, laughing and eating during each story. It was definitely a morning Weimar didn't expect but welcomed.

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