It Ain't Right To Kill Horses Like That

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AN: yes another dad au chapter. Also the empire I'm referencing is the Spanish empire and yes this is very short.

Earwyn watched from the palace window as his husband practically dragged Mexico and a horse out into the vast back yard. Spain stood close by, watching anxiously too.

"He shouldn't be doing this, he's too hard on the poor boy" he mumbled, hand covering his mouth.

"He's no harder on Nueva then he was on me," Spain said, "but maybe this is going too far." And they watched as the tall empire shoved a lead into the shaking colony's hands as he loaded a bayonet. Earwyn could practically hear the annoyance in whatever the empire barked out at Mexico before turning his attention back to his gun. And he winced as he saw the empire raised his gun and aimed it at the horse.

"That's Nueva's favorite horse," Spain said.

"His name is Concha" Earwyn mumbled. Spain flinched and looked away when the gunshot went off, Earwyn watched with despair and frustration at it all. The horse made noise they couldn't hear as it fell to the ground and attempted to stand. The Empire didn't even shoot it to kill, he shot it to make it suffer. The horse's leg was bleeding profusely and Mexico knelt down to comfort it. Earwyn knew he knew the Empire was planning to make Mexico kill his own horse. A horse with an injured leg was useless and ultimately better off dead and with that Earwyn knew the Empire would tell Mexico this. Say "you don't want him to suffer right?" And coax him into shooting the brown horse with a black snout and white legs.

"It isn't right for pa to kill horses like that" Spain whispered, grabbing his father's sleeve thus making Earwyn's body turn toward him. He burrowed his face into the coat as Earwyn watched with empty eyes as the small Hispanic colony raised the gun up with shaking hands. He turned away to run his gloved fingers through Spain's hair as Mexico took aim and fired.

It wasn't right to kill horses like that.

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