Canada gets his stupid Fucking face branded

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This is dedicated to my deep seeded hatred for Canada but i can't write well enough for this to actually be upsetting but who cares 🙈

Canada was thrashing about, his eyes wide and shiny with tears and his chest rising and falling faster than waves. He struggled against the hands that kept his wrists firmly in place above his head and scarped the wooden floorboards. 

"Dad please, I’m sorry" was all he kept repeating. Meaningless words spilling from his mouth as a hot piece of iron that glowed a hot orange was hovered over his face. Sweat already dripping down the sides of his face and his eyes, despite being open wide and filled with tears, felt dry and stung. The whites of his eyes reflected the orange hue.

"This is the third fucking time you've let a horse loose, Canada!" His father yelled.

"Do you not understand how god damn expensive those are?"

"Yes papa I do i-"

"Clearly not!" He bellowed, nails digging into the pale hands. "Your thick skull can't seem to understand!" He tightened his grip on the still struggling wrists. 

Canada knew his fate, he could see it clear as day. The hot metal was so close to his face and his dad was so angry he knew it was over for him. But he didn't want to believe, he hoped it was a scare tactic to remember to keep the latch shut on the stables. His choking like sobs caused him to hiccup, he was so scared to see his father so angry. 

Then the searing hot iron planted directly in the middle of his face and he thrashed and screamed as he heard his skin fizzle and pop. Tears streamed down his face and he tried to kick and squirm but moving his face made the pain worse and he could smell his skin burning. It was disgusting, the smell made him gag and he feared he'd puke only to choke on it. The brand was placed firmly and stayed there, the loud sizzle and pops quitting just a little and being almost heard over the screams and hollers of Canada. The burning flesh smell lingered, the melted skin clung to the iron as it was pulled off. Skin tugged at Canada's face and he wailed and thrashed more as the skin resembled charred melted cheese. The burnt away flesh was a mixture of reds and yellows from the thin layer of fat. 


The hot searing pain that made his face itch and want to scrunch up but couldn't because of the pain and how tight his face felt. That's all Canada felt before finally passing out, skin feeling tight and itchy and hot and his cheeks moist from tears and nostrils filled with a burning smell. When Canada woke up the next day, face in pain and wrapped in damp white bandages he wondered what the brand was. His face itched and he fought the urge to scrunch his nose. He lightly touched the middle of his face and hissed, jerking his hand away. But he tried again, cautiously trying to undo the bandage and hoping to find and look into some mirror. He held back tears, wincing as the bandages clung to the burn and tugged on it. Canada braced himself as he yanked it off fully and examined the bandage, a portion of it being stained bloody and with a slight yellow from puss. With blurry vision Canada glanced the room for a mirror and yes, in the corner was one. He stood up shakily, hands grabbing a nearby chair for stability. He blinked a few times, clearing tears and hoping to see clearer. 

On his face was a maple leaf, dark red and shiny from whatever liquids his body was producing and suddenly he felt so nauseous and struggled to not collapse. He felt his skin get clammy and break into a sweat as his vision blurred and he swayed. With shaking hands he blindly felt for the bed he was in and carefully laid down, puking before passing out.

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