mentally damaged child confronts one of his abusive fathers

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This is unedited and taken straight from notes so excuse the astriks an shit, this was orginally meant for discord. Also, this is ver. 2 of this story and was written to fit the dad au and this isn't the whole story either only about a page of what I had written. Ver. 1 was written for the normal CH universe and is a bit shorter but (in my opinion) had some good ass dialogue but I don't want to post both versions cause no one would wanna read that (especially since both start the exact same)
Anyways say hi to reich and GE, they're dead.

The atmosphere was so tense that breathing was almost impossible, sweat beading down the man's face even though the temperature wasn't even that high. The man tugged at his shirt collar, lightly panting.

*when had it become so damn hot?*

His chest felt constricted and he almost wanted to coward out and leave, never look at his father willingly ever again. But some unknown force, or just the little kid that wanted answers in him, made the man shakily raise his hand to knock on the door. And for a few quite, agonizing seconds he stood, waiting. He was so scared, he was a grown man and yet he was terrified, the sweat causing his face to obtain a slight shine to it.

"He can't hurt me," he said to himself. He clasped his hands behind his back, 

"Not any more, never again."

He stood a little straighter as he watched the little gold door knob turn. There in the door way of the big house stood the German Empire, tall and healthy and looking like he was smiling from a joke before spotting a bug land on his food.

He looked at his son like a bug and that made the man's blood run cold.

Reich immediately stepped back as if ready to be struck. His father narrowed his eyes at him, head cocking to the side as if to judge his son's entire being and not just his appearance. A figure approached, smiling bright like a star and placing a soft affectionate hand on the empire's shoulder.

"Oh my, is that you Reich, dear?" He said concerned yet lovingly. Leave it to the Austrian-Hungarian empire to be civil, to extend a gloved hand to the son that bit and scratched anyone who came near. Reich felt so small suddenly, flinching when a hand with a wedding band was extended palm up towards him and the owner spoke softly.

"You're so skinny, come now and have lunch," he said so sweetly it sounded fake. 

"I just wanted to talk to my father," Reich said meekly as the hand slowly and softly encased his.

"It shouldn't take long." He mumbled, nodding as if to confirm it to himself. Christmas colored eyes looked into his with so much pity that Reich wanted to snarl, pity for him? He was not a man that needed *pity* and yet he felt his eyes start to sting when the kind father figure in his life gave him a feather light hug. 

Affection? *Disgusting*

But before he could push him off, his father stepped away, heading towards possibly the kitchen and glancing over his shoulder with worry written on his face.

The German Empire made a clicking noise with his boot, tapping the hard wood floor. Reich tensed up, shoulders meeting ears as his heart rate picked up and he turned around. The attempt to compose himself was made, his knees weak and feeling like they would give out at any second and his stomach twisting into a knot. Fear was all he had ever known when around his father and it was the only thing he'd felt for so long. He looked up, angry red eyes regarding him like dirt. He suddenly felt like the little scared boy that broke a plate once again, breath hitching at the thought of being caught. And suddenly the man couldn't breath, he clutched at his chest as his body shaked from childhood memories he had kept shoved down and he fell to his knees as everything he had gone through hit him like a loud truck.

And then there was silence.

He opened his eyes and focused on tracing the patterns in the cheery wood planks beneath him. He looked up to come face to face with his father who had crouched down to his level and eyed him like a he was a rabid animal. 

"You were a *horrible* father," he choked out. He raised an accusing finger, "parent's shouldn't pick favorites but you did!" His voice cracked as a tear snaked down his face. He was crying? He didn't realize he was crying. He hissed through his teeth, "you beat us for no valid reason."

*"you were an unruly child,"* the Empire signed.

"I was a child!" Reich yelled back as his wings furled out from the anger. "You wouldn't feed us if we made a mistake on our math homework!" He made an attempt to stand but his legs wouldn't let him, "you thought a belt was the answer to everything!" Reich choked on air as his anger grew more and more. 

"Maybe if you *loved* us a little more we wouldn't have ended up the way we did!" He cried, patting his chest with his shaking hands.

"I wouldn't have become a monster! I wouldn't have followed some man blindly like a lost dog! Maybe i wouldn't be condemned," and he continued to cry out all the things that possibly wouldn't have happened, as if the mistress of fate wasn't cruel. The Empire placed a large hand onto the shaking form in front of him, the significantly smaller man tensing up immediately and looking into the firey eyes with fear and hate. He growled and pushed the hand off his shoulder, standing up swiftly and stumbling for a moment before gaining his balance. Now he was the one looking down on his father.

"Never fucking touch me *ever* again," he growled, his voice still wavering like a raft in a storm. He rubbed his face with his hands, smearing tears across his scarlet colored cheeks. 

"You sent us to war like we meant nothing. Like we were just another group of *disposable soldiers*." The malice in his voice grew as he sent a hatred filled glare down at his father. 

"We could have died and you wouldn't have cared. Your precious golden boy could have died and you wouldn't have given a damn." Reich wailed, trying to say as much as he could in one breath. 

He balled his hands into fists, his father was a fool he had long ago lost respect for. He choked on a sudden sob,

"We were kids!" He cried, tears slipping down his face again. "We were scared! We didn't want to die in a war that wasn't for us!" Shaking he backed away from his father who was slowly rising up to a standing position. 

"You sent us to fight in a war that wasn't ours," he choked out. His shaking hand came to rub away the liquid weakness that had slipped from his eyes, desperate to compose himself. His knees almost buckled again as he spared a glance over to his father, who was now looking at him like a rabid dog. Riech looked at his hands through the blur of tears and open an closed them, heart pounding in his ears like a horse's hooves hitting the ground. 

"I was so scared and you didn't care at all," he said softly.

"You were merciless like that." And a final tear streaked his face as it fell. 

"And then you left us with that man in a foreign land who didn't want us," he splayed his shaking hand across his chest.

"You let us live with him and he did whatever the hell he pleased!" He had so much anger bubbling up it burned his throat.

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