Russian Empire fucking dies

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"You're uneasy love, is it from all the unrest?"

The Russian Empire let out a sigh, the soft murmur of protesting peasants could be heard through the palace window.

"You don't think your son would kill you, do you now?"

The yelling seemed to get louder at this question.

"You don't know how serious Soviet is about this, he is perfectly capable of killing me," there was a somber tone in his voice as he said this.

A loud crack and sudden gasp from the empire sparked worry in the other nation, the empire's white-gloved hand raised to his already covered eye. He turned to the other, face calm but his blue eye swam in fear.

"It's not bad, is it?" He asked, a tight smile on his face as he lowered his hand and removed his black eye patch. 

It took restraint for the other to remain calm, the empire's face had a deep crack etched from the bottom of his hollow eye to the left corner of his mouth. He frowned at the silence, debris falling softly to the polished marble floor. 

"It's bad, huh?" 

The other stood up quickly and walked to the empire's side, hands softly stroking his face.

"No, no it's just a little scratch dear," he said softly.

"Nothing to worry about and surely nothing to ruin your handsome face." He ended with a soft smile. 

A gloved hand came up and rested on the tan one, "you flatter me, love"

The following moment was soft and silent, the soft golden light in the room making everything seem just right, if only for a moment.

A particularly loud thud on the window and a thin crack on Russia's chin startled them out of the warm trance they were in. Very slowly the older Russian pulled away, hand lowering back to his side. 

"I don't think I'll be around much longer" 

Another quite cracking sound echoed in the room.

Russia coughed, a small trickle of blood appearing on his chin and seeping into the cracked skin.

It was like looking at a porcelain doll age in front of you, the color fading ever so slowly and the cracks coming in too quickly and refusing to fuse back.

It was fascinating to watch and yet stomach-turning, to see something so beautiful and prideful crumble in front of you. 

To watch an empire fall was only sweet to those who wanted it, and those that wish to see the mighty fall and crumble don't think of those that don't. 

It was all too much as another long and deep crack appeared on the still youthful empire's face, a canyon from the top of his lip to his hairline. It was a jagged and deep crack. Very slowly the empire moved towards the bed, sitting down gently as if he had just aged 80 years.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he did.

The other sat down next to him, reassurances that everything will be fine being said over and over again.

"Shhh" the empire hushed, "it's pointless to lie now"

There was a nod and then the empire lowered himself to his side, resting his head on the lap of the other. 

The nation wouldn't be around much longer, his hand shook as he blindly grabbed at the other's knee, fingers twitching.

And just like that, he was gone, body unmoving and cold. The attempt to hold the Russian's hand resulted in it breaking off, like a doll. 

He crumbled apart like dry dirt, dust being left in his wake as he fully dissolved. 

He started and ended as dust and accompanied by screams.

Old thing I wrote it's maybe 3 months old now? It was for an AU server but you can imagine the unnamed person as whoever you want.

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