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AN: so basically context is needed for this one too but again, I'm lazy. I guess context for this and the last chapter could be given in a separate part but no one reads this so who cares. yes this chapter and the last chapter go together, this one takes place after both have died and are in the afterlife. I also wrote this in like June so uhm the quality is a bit worse.

Three loud bangs that echoed throughout the house were enough to startle the occupants. The USSR dragged himself off the couch and towards the door, fully intending to give the disturbance a piece of his mind. Yanking the door open to reveal an angry yet smiling Weimar made the Soviet's composition falter and fall under the sickeningly sweet smile and blazing eyes of the Weimar Republic. Weimar smiled brightly, having mastered the art of deception and making people think he was as happy as one could be.

"My brother, I would like to speak with him," he said.

"I-uh yes absolutely, let me get him," the ex superpower stuttered. "Reich!" He bellowed, "your brother is here!" And moments later there were slight thuds as the ex-dictator appeared like a dog scared of its owner. "I'd like to speak to him on my own," Weimar said, staring at Reich who was slowly tensing up and curling in on himself. Ussr tilted his head, nodding towards the kitchen, "alright" he said.

The two sit down across from each other, Weimar with his arms crossed and face blank and Reich crossing his arms on the table and shoulders hunched forward. They sat in silence for several minutes before Weimar spoke, voice crystal clear and bold from years of meetings and arguing.

"Brother you always called me weak. Easily breakable. Stupid. Cowardly" and the list goes on, Weimar counting off each insult on his hand before stopping. He looks his brother in the eye and just growls a "you had no right to call me these names when you owned them. Wear them on your back for all to see" and he takes a breath. Continues. "But to some degree you were right" he stares at TR and says "I had two wonderful kids. It took a lot to keep them, and I did, in fact, sell my body. Use it like a tool" he glances at a mark on TR's neck, "but I see you've done the same". TR is taken aback, fluffs a bit because "you came here to accuse me of being a whore"

"Don't be absurd brother an accusation is when you think it but don't have proof. This is a mere fact considering anyone can hear you screaming a mile away and even then they wouldn't have to look further than your neck for visual proof". Naturally, TR's hand shoots to cover his neck.

"What's your point?" He hisses, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with Weimar's change in personality.

"Why do you do it hmm? Why do you let them degrade you? Touch you?"

TR stares at him, throat dry and tongue heavy,

"Because... I want them to" and it's an easy lie. "I like it when they do it" is such an easy lie.

Weimar softly smiles, something TR would do when he could see through a facade and god does TR feel exposed, knows Weimar can see through him like glass. He feels as unsafe as a rabbit caught in a snare. His wings twitch as his breathing picks up.

"Do you think I liked it?". Weimar looks at his nails, clean and tidy compared to TR's with dried blood under them. He lets out a soft laugh,

"Do you think I enjoyed having strangers use me and leave me for the rats? Having to not cry when they hurt me so I wouldn't wake the twins?"

He leans in, his face kind but eyes hard and vicious.

"Is that what you're telling them that you enjoy? What you tell me? What you tell yourself?"

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