Chapter 3: A New School

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Heya Peeps, Author-Chan here new chapter there's going to be some Suga interaction in this chapter! As always the picture does not belong to me.


"Y/n-Chan~ where are you?!" Tooru shouted from my room. "In the kitchen making you pancakes so you actually eat in the morning!" I shouted back.

~Time Skip~

I had already made the bentos for the three of us (Me, Tooru, and Iwa-Chan) and was finishing up the pancakes when Tooru came downstairs after his shower his hair still vaguely wet.

"You're the best Y/n-Chan I love your pancakes thank you!" He said happily while stuffing his face full of the fluffy cakes.

"No problem To-Chan after all I love cooking" I said with a cheek splitting smile.

~Time Skip~

After Tooru has washed his dishes and put them on the rack and got his school stuff together we were ready to go. "You have the bento boxes I made you and Hajime right?" I asked apprehensively he tended to forget things sometimes.

"Yup thank you again Y/n-Chan I'll see you after school have fun at Karasuno, Love you!" He exclaimed while running down the road toward Aoba Johsai. "Love you to Tooru have fun at school and don't practice to hard!" (There is no official practice he's just practicing with Iwaizumi after school.) I said while running towards Karasuno while waving.

~Time Skip~

I was looking at Karasuno in awe it was a much nicer looking school than I was expecting. That said my expectations were very low after attending Tohtsuki since I was 9.

I walked into my class 3-4 and sat down on the right (Window seat) side of a gray haired boy with a beauty mark under his left eye. He was chatting animatedly with the male next to him with short black hair and broad shoulders.

When the teacher walked in everyone quieted down right away.

The teacher had short brown hair that went down to her shoulders and bright brown eyes and round glasses. She introduced herself as Ami Shuichi but we could call her Shuichi-Sensei.

She then proceeded to start a speech about the expectations in the classroom and in the hallways and I zoned out until she mentioned "transfer student".

"As for transfer students this year we only have one. You there Miss. L/n I believe stand up and introduce yourself to the class." I sighed inwardly and stood up and said "(Come up with your own introduction speech here just don't include cooking because you are trying to keep the fact that you are a Nakiri a secret)"

~Time Skip~

During lunch the cute boy with grey hair and his black haired friend came up to me and asked if I wanted to eat lunch with them. "Sure" I replied hesitantly and followed them to the roof and started eating.

While I was eating I noticed them staring at me intently and swallowed before asking "It's obvious to me that you guys had some sort of ulterior motive when you asked me to eat with you so out with it."

Both of their faces turned bright red and they looked off to the side before the black haired one looked at me and said. "You caught us we are the captain and vice captain of the volleyball team and our manager has been having to much work to do lately with the team so we were wondering if you would join the volleyball team as the second manager?"

I was in shock not so much because of what they asked but because of the fact that the captain managed to say that in one breath.

"Sure!" I said cheerfully (By the way you know the rules to volleyball you just don't play the actual sport.) and then remembered something " What were your names again sorry I just transferred today so I don't know anyone."

They looked at each other embarrassed, " I'm very sorry about that I'm Sugawara Koushi the Vice Captain and that's Sawamura Daichi the captain." Said the grey haired male. "But you can call me Suga-" "And you can call me Daichi" Said male chimed in halfway through Suga's sentence.

I giggled "Well Suga-San, Daichi-San  it was nice meeting you and all I'll meet the volleyball team after school tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that was the bell signaling the end of lunch just now?" I said while trying not to laugh.

"Holy Crap! You're right!" They shouted in unison and ran towards the stairs "Nice meeting you to L/n-San we'll see you tomorrow thank you for taking up our offer." They said while bowing in unison before running down the stairs.

That chapter was pretty long I'm super tired right now so I'm not going to put in what happens when she gets home. Let's just assume that when she gets home that she tells Oikawa and Iwaizumi what happened at school and they are happy for her.
I'll try to update tomorrow but we'll see about that. As always thank you for reading and stay safe!

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