Chapter 7: 3 vs 3 and Seijoh?

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Heyo Peeps, this chapter might be published a little late it might not be my cat died the other day so I'm kinda out of it. No idea what Tsukki is saying here but the look on his face suggests that he is being an asshole and that suits this chapter perfectly so here you go. As usual the picture does not belong to me unless specified. (ò_óˇ) As I said last chapter I'm not going to be following the dialogue word for word and I'm not going to be describing the volleyball scenes very much unless there's something important because when that happens in fan fictions that I read it annoys me a bit sorry if you don't share that opinion but that's whats happening here. Anyways I'm rambling again on to the story.


I was walking to school with Suga while holding hands and I still hadn't told him about the incident with the 'Shitstick of the Court' from a while ago the 3 vs 3 was today so we were going to school early.

I had made a large lunch for both Tooru and Hajime because I was proud of them for practicing so diligently when the team practice hadn't even started yet, Tooru's jump serve had improved in both accuracy and strength the same could be said for Hajime's spikes I was proud of both of them. (I know that Oikawa injured his knee this is referring to the practice he did before that so the fancy bento is also kind of a sympathy meal.)

I was musing about this while walking and I had the brilliant idea to lean over and give Koushi a kiss on the cheek. This made his face turn horribly red and caused him to stutter terribly when he looked at me to ask "W-what w-was that f-for?!" He asked embarrassed. "Oh I just love seeing how red your face gets every time that I do that." I replied nonchalantly while giggling.

This made Koushi pout and as a result he did not talk to me until we were in Science class and he once again didn't understand anything.

~Time Skip~

It was finally time for the 3 vs 3 match and while we waited for the players to warm up the 'Shitstick of the Court' started acting up again and speaking loudly of 'crushing' the members of the opposing team.

Seeing that the other team was getting riled up and I still felt the need to put him in his place I decided to get involved.

"Hey o great Shitstick of the Court I hope your ready to eat your words and I hope you do realize one of your senpais is on the opposing team you should show more respect!" I shouted at him from where I was folding the towels.

There was muffled laughter coming from Daichi and Suga as well as Takeda-Sensei who had dropped in to make sure that everyone was there that should be there, as well as some not so muffled laughter from Tanaka, Hinata, and Kageyama.

Tsukishima looked pissed but I didn't particularly care and went on my way to finish my manager duties while Kiyoko was filling the water bottles.

"Hey L/n-Senpai I think you should show some respect to your Kouhais as well shouldn't you?" Tsukishima called me in a cocky tone of voice. "Yes I should Tsukki-Chan but I will show respect to those Kouhais that have earned it and not disrespected me from the start, I will also be calling you Tsukki-Chan from now on and you will be calling me by my first name Y/n or I will be carrying out my previous threat of removing your baby maker are we clear Tsukki-Chan?" I asked in an eerily calm voice. He shakily nodded at me and started to warm up more, while everyone on the court Kiyoko now as well was failing at containing their laughter.

Everyone at least except Suga who was giving me strange look. "What?" I asked him when he continued to give me a look. "You threatened to remove his 'baby maker'?" He asked incredulously adding air quotes around 'baby maker'. "Yeah." I replied nonchalantly "He deserved it and it was just a threat Sugamama no need to go Mama-Mode on me." (I know the nickname Sugamama is very overused but I still find it hilarious so it will be mentioned once in a while.) This remark caused everyone to cackle and for Suga to turn bright red from embarrassment and walk away from me.

~Time Skip~

The 3 vs 3 had started and after Suga's advice Hinata and Kageyama has started to work well together after the initial shock of Tsukishima blocking him had worn off Hinata was his bubbly self again.

After a shockingly fast quick attack from Hinata and Kageyama that miraculously Hinata had his eyes closed during the game started to turn in their favor slightly more since the morale of Hinata's team had gone up. This entire time not unaccompanied by snarky remarks from Tsukishima but a couple of nasty looks from me had took care of that.

~Time Skip~

After Hinata and Kageyama's won the 3 vs 3 they stood in shock for a couple of seconds before Hinata started jumping around and yelling that he was on a proper volleyball team finally. He skipped over and tackled me in the sweatiest hug I had ever had but I didn't mind after being around Tooru and Hajime for so long the sweat and other things didn't affect me as much and I congratulated the small bean.

After a grudging handshake with Tsukishima and a cleaning of the gym the first year four and me were handed our Karasuno Volleball team jackets.

As we were all getting ready to go home Takeda-Sensei fell onto the steps of the gym and got a nosebleed. After the bleeding stopped he was stuttering so badly that we couldn't understand anything "Take-Sensei can you please tell us what the big deal is?" I asked semi seriously.

"Seijoh has agreed to have a practice match with us!" He shouted ecstatically and this shocked us all, after we recovered from the shock Daichi asked "How?" "I'm good at getting on my hands and knees and begging." Replied Takeda-Sensei being 100% serious . 'I'm not sure that's a good thing Take-Chan'

There was only one condition that Kageyama had to be the setter for the entire game, and I knew exactly who had requested that and I made a mental note to beat Tooru up later and make him the spicy curry that he hates. Suga readily agreed to Tooru's condition but everyone could tell that he wasn't to happy though.

Daichi noticed as well obviously and being the best friend that he is offered to buy meat buns for the whole team to give me some time to take care of Suga.

~Time Skip~

I was sitting on a park bench with a sniffling Sugawara on my shoulder after he had finally calmed down. Me and him had sat on the bench for a little less than a minute before he started with the silent tears before long he was full on crying. I felt so bad for him and eventually after a lot of coaxing he told me that it wasn't just the setter thing it was the Science that he didn't understand as well.

To amend at least some of his worries I promised to tutor him in Science class and any other class that he needed. (Because Reader-Chan is a badass) I was even more resolved to clobber Tooru at this point.

After Koushi calmed down I walked him home gave him a long hug a kiss on the forehead and promised to see him tomorrow at the practice game.

'Now then to deal with Tooru.' I thought evilly boy was he in for it.

I'm not gonna include what happens to Oikawa but we can conclude that Iwa-Chan has rubbed off on Reader-Chan a bit so there will be some punches involved. The next chapter will be the Seijoh practice match and Oikawa and Iwaizumi's relationship to Y/n will be revealed to the Karasuno volleyball team. Oooooooh drama! Anyways it's getting late for Author-Chan who is very sleepy at the moment as always thank you for reading and stay safe!

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