Presidency and a Baby

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The morning sickness had started and so did runing for the presidency. Because dad had won the election for governor his wife "Mellie" had request my mom to work on his campaign and "Mellie"is the kind of woman that does not accept a NO, so it was ackward for her been there but mom felt good and happy knowing that she was near dad and he was happy that she was there because he could keep an eye on her with the morning sickness and mom always said that dad use to take 2 to 3 minutes to talk to me when I was in her belly.

They use to be on road alot because of campaign they use to have there little moments together election day came around and Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III won the elections he became the 46 president of the United States.

5 MONTHS LATER....!!!!!!!!!

Mom started to show and her and dad had a big fight so she had left the white house with the excuse that she wanted to focus on her firm OPA that stands for Olivia Pope & Associates so she left the white house and dedicated to her firm her "first baby" she calls it, she had left the white house because she counld't stand the fact that she could not be with the love her life THE FATHER OF HER CHILD, he was off limits once he became president, he became not available and to think that it would be like that for the next four years just made her sad.

At work she felt a bit of peace and the fact that she was started to show the fight could have never come at a better time. Dad still kept in communication with her because of the pregnancy he went to all of my check ups ( the floor of the hospital were my mom use to get check was available only for her, dad, the doctor and his bodygards Tom and Hal) obviously for security the press could never find out what was going on.


At OPA, Abby, Queen, Huck and Harrison threw her a babyshower they all new that the baby there boss was expecting was Presidents Grant baby, they new of there relationship. One day mom had to go to the white house because she was inform under false information that she had been summoned by the President and his chief of staff aka Cyrus she was advice by Lauren that the president was waiting for her in the Oval Office so she steped in and there was Mellie and she greeted her saying " Hi, Olivia long time no see, how are you doing" mom was surprised when she saw her good thing she did not remove her coat before entering the office she was the only one in the Oval Office and with a fake smile she replaid " I'm good " how about you to wich replaid saying " I have alot of emotions running through my body with fact that I was inform that my husband "THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" has been having and affair with former employee and that former employee is you, mom immediately thought 


Mellie: Olivia I knew about you and Fitz, but I was not about to let him off to be with you and for you to be leaving my dream she (LAUGH) the fact that my husband is unable to keep it in his pants is something that I have already lost interest in.

Olivia: Mellie I don't know what you know but I just want to let you know that Fitz and I are no longer seen each other,so goodbye.


Olivia and I had this huge argument/fight and we are only on speaking terms because of the baby, things ended a couple of months ago between us two I miss her and the baby so much but I couldn't help the feeling that she was right, how could I expect a different reaction from her with all the situation and issues going on. 

I spent must days and nights in the Oval Office just thinking of her, our relationship ( man i'm so in love with that woman) I remember our first kiss, the first time we made love, the first time I saw her naked, the way I was all over her taking everything in. If I could just throw the presidency away to be with her I would, but I if I did that she would never forgive me " I always told Olivia that for her I would resign the presidency with out thinking it twice " she always told me Cyrus would kill me if I did such thing " 

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