How They Met

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It all started when my father Fitzgerald Grant was talking at his campaign for governor of California and she said out loud  "IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE NOT SCREWING YOUR WIFE" he stared at her for a moment before asking who she was, to which she replaid "Olivia.... Olivia Pope" my mother.

She was there because of her good friend/professor/mentor "Cyrus Beene" and as she got closer to his office she heard - I WANT HER FIRED - there was my father complaining about my mother and Cyrus replaid "WHY" because she had the guts to tell you what your staff coulnd't my mother had heard what he said and she said don't worry I did have time to go through the minibar Cyrus told go out there and apologize and get her back because we need her.

So my father ran out the office down the hallway and said "I want to apologize for what I said miss Pope and yes I will be lucky to have you ( a longggggg pause and right then and there they looked at each other in the eyes and he said on the campaign ) they both broke out of it and she returned back to were the campaign was taking place at the end she decided to stay.

Every time I ask my dad how he fell in love with mom he always tells me " We stared into each other's eyes the first time we met and from that day on I couldn't forget those beautiful eyes" my father was elected governor he had won everybody on the campaign was so happy and excited specially Cyrus my father at the time was married her name is "Mellie Grant" they have 2 kids together "Jerry 17" and " Karen 15" my father took charge of been the governor of California he did a good job the first 4 years, he and my mom started a secret affair after he won she had told him that it was wrong that he was married and she was engaged to "Edison Davis" back then he was a senator or something in Washington DC I really don't remember. 

They used to be all over each other like teenagers he use to fly out to Washington to see her, she use to fly out to California to see him or met in the middle of the country it was crazy but they were in love the way my father felt when he was with my mother was like was he had born again, he was happy for the first time in his life , happier than he has ever been. My father came from a family of politics so you can say it runs in the blood he is also a lawyer, my mother on the other hand came from a normal family not as wealthy as my father, but she went to best schools, she studied abroad and she is also a lawyer she has her own firm it's called OPA she claims that she does not run a firm she is more of a fixer  soooo you can tell that I feel a little bit of pressure to go down the same road as my parents  because who they are and what they do. 

On my father's  third year as governor my mom found out she was pregnant with me she had panicked she didn't know what to do and she did not know how my dad would react with the news she didn't know if he wanted more kids it was a topic they had never discuss. My mom was happy and scared because she didn't know if she had what it takes to be a mother and the idea of having and " AFFAIR BABY " just made her feel confused. My dad was visiting that weekend and he was all hands on deck when he saw her he picked her up and they kissed and then she was like Fitz we need to talk and he was like " we can do that while we take a nice shower" my mom was like no I would prefer to have you take a sit, my dad began to act worried and thought in his head was like ( she is going to end what we have, she dosen't love me anymore ) then he saw her take out what looked like a pregnancy test not only one but three he was shocked and then he spoke saying in a soft voice " We are pregnant............... " then he yelled "WE RE PREGNANT" and then they both said "WEEEE ARE PREGNANT" and then they stood up a hug and had a passionate kiss then dad knelt down and he placed his head against mom stomach and said "HI BABY IS YOUR DADDY" then mom sent back down and ask her self how I'm going to have a baby for a married man she started questioning things and situations my dad was now started a new campaign he was now running for President of the United States so my mom knew that it would be a political suicide to have a baby with woman that is not your wife and once the press got a hold of the affair and the baby it would not have a turning point and getting a divorce in the middle of a campaign was not good. My dad reasure her that everything would be okay that they were on this together  that he felt happy that would be having a kid with the Love of his life.

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