VERMONT (part 2)

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I had step out for a moment and Abby was at the house with Lizzy she came to visit us for the weekend I was happy to have her around, as parked my car in the driveway  I saw two bodyguards infront of the house, I was a bit confused but in the back of my mind I knew who was inside, as I entered the house Lizzy came running to show me what she had done while been with Abby. And as I step over to the kitchen there he was Fitz had found us , he looked at me and he looked over to our daughter and I just saw the most saddest eyes he looked confused full of questions, Abby saw the tension between Fitz and I and she took Lizzy to her playroom 

Fitz: Two years Olivia... you kept her away from me for two years  WHAT WERE YOU THINKING he said 

I know he had the right to be upset but I did this to keep our daugther safe, safe from Washington DC, safe from his wife I was trying to keep our daughter and his political career safe. It was such a surprise to see him, I felt like couldn't breathe Fitzgerald Grant was in our house and it just took me back to when we first visited the Vermont house together.

He started talking about our daughter and how he would like to have her in DC to have her closer of course we argue because there was no way in hell I would allow my daughter to go to DC because if the press ever found out about her, about us it would just be devastating, I still loved him but I had another person to think about my daughter we went back and forth all night until he requested to met her and she had this natural attraction to him after all it was her father she hug him, she never did this with new people she met she would always cry or just hold on to me, they went to her playroom and I could just hear them laugh Abby approached me 

Abby: Sooo.... I see she recieved him well

Olivia: Yes... she did 

Abby: So did you reach to an agreement in regards of her 

Olivia: But, I'm still don't know Abbs..... Mellie knows about the affair 

It was getting late so I gave Lizzy her bath and got her ready for bedtime and I heard 

( SHE'S ALL YOU )........ Fitz said

I smirked and answer back.... you think, because her attitude is all you kind and stubborn

Fitz: The kind part yes, but stubborn that's all her mom, but I love it

As Elizabeth started to fall asleep, I saw Fitz going around watching all of the photos in the room and he stop and stared at that the one when Lizzy was born, and after a few seconds of silence he said 


I replied saying .... NO I DON'T HATE YOU, I COULD NEVER HATE YOU 

He started about us an our relationship and everything that had happend, he told me that he still loved me that he never stopped loving me. I just didn't want to talk about us, alot had happend earlier and I told him that we should keep it formal for our daughter sake.

We said our goodnights and went to sleep.


The following morning my dad heard me crying in my bedroom and went to see if I was okay he consoled me and took me downstairs and as he was preparing breakfast, and as my mom walked in the room she told him your making breakfast he giggled and replaid saying this is the first time in 2 years were I'm able to prepare my own breakfast I see my mom came into the kitchen to help and as Abby was coming down the stairs she said

Abby: It smells amazing

Fitz: Thank you.... thank you very much.

Abby: Ohhh your making breakfast.

Olivia: Yeahhhh

We were all at the table I was eating my fruits and dad was just thrilled to be spending time with me so we had finish and we went to the back yard and played mom and Abby stayed back and could see us playing outside 

Abby: The idea of having breakfast with the President of United States of America never ran through my mind let alone he would be the one making breakfast .

Olivia: This is the first time we had breakfast together with out been rushed.

Mom kept watching us play and interact with each other like we never drifted apart, she also kept thinking on what dad had said about wanting me to be in Washington and she was really enjoying watching us bond so she had made her mind up we were moving back to DC mom was scared for me and for her she is OLIVIA POPE she is not afraid of anything but having a kid change everything alot was on the table.


I had just turned 5 years old dad was elected president for the second time alot had happend in the past 3 years since I moved to Washington DC. I was spending more time with my father my mother was back at OPA everything was good they had reconcile there relationship for a couple of months, but they had broken up again on there on and off relationship.


Mom started dating this guy name Jake Ballard, things were not looking good for dad, Jake used to be in the apartment all the time I didn't like Jake I felt like he was coming between my mom and dad, a nanny was hired because mom couldn't be with me all the time or take care of me 24/7 like when I was more younger, mom debated on hiring a nanny because she didn't want what happened with my siblings from dad side (JERRY AND KAREN) to happen to me were they were practically raised by nanny's and not there mother. I still had to show up into mom's office when she requested which was most of the time if she wasn't handling any big case, my nanny was very cool her name is Guadalupe but we call her "Lupe" she use to call me "Mi Niña" "My Girl" in English she was from Mexico mom said that she used to work at in the same building OPA was located she use to be very nice and kind to her, she also knew that my mom was pregnant and use to tell her that she would have a girl my mom always asked her (HOW DID SHE KNEW) Lupe used to tell her is the glow, the walk,the was your tummy is developing and also you can see it in the father the way he acts to things during the pregnancy, after my mom left to Vermont she did knew anything about her but once she came back she got in contact with her and offer her the job of taking care of me.

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