Runing Away

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As I was about to turn 1 my life in Washington changed for ever when Mellie decided to do a press confrence as a revenge and detailed that the president had an affair, so that had everbody at OPA in a protective mode because soon or later people would start asking who is the "MISTRESS" so as my mom and dad watched what Mellie had done my mom had to think fast because it was Mellie she was someone that could not be trusted.

As they sat in my mothers apartment watching the interview, my father got and call Cyrus immediately 

Fitz: What the hell is going on in the White House..?

Cyrus: Sr...... I try to hold her back and talk her out of this.

Fitz:  I don't want to hear that you tried, I want you to take care of it I want you to FIX IT.

Fitz: The last thing we need is Liv's name out there. FIX IT NOW

Cyrus: Yes sr.... on it.

Harrison had a meeting with OPA because their boss was about to become there next client, after there meeting he called my mom and ask her " WHAT IS THE END GAME "

Olivia: They are taking care of it.

Harrison: How the White House..?, they are not going to protect you, they will protect HIM and remember you have a child so tell me " WHAT DO YOU WANT ".

Olivia: I need you to get back to work and assist our clients as usual.

Harrison hung up.

Over at OPA they had started to work behind my mother's back, Huck had started hacking into the White House security service to wipe out any trace of my mother in the White House after she had renaunce.

She was not focusing on what Mellie had said because yes, she had revealed that POTUS had an affair she didn't mention a name  so my mother thinking on what was best for me she decided to go to Vermont and stay there, the only ones that knew about me were OPA and Cyrus.

So as the night feel my mom along with Abby and Quinn packed our bags and with out my dad's knowledge my mom move away from DC to Vermont and had Abby box all of her things to have it ship to Vermont. My dad kept calling my mom wanting to know from us but she never answered she wanted things to clear away.

A year had went by and he still haven't heard anything from my mom or me, he went to her apartment just to find an empty apartment. Not knowing where we had gone his face just drop he just stood in the middle of the apartment and thought  "she's gone....... not only gone, but she took my kid with her" he was angry and confused. So his next step was to get in contact with OPA as Quinn was getting ready to step outta OPA, she saw POTUS getting of the elevater 

Quinn: Mr. President.......!!!! (with a surprised look in her face)

Fitz: Hello.... (as he walked in to OPA office) WHERE IS YOUR BOSS..?

Abby: Mr. President, what a pleasure to have you here.

Fitz: I'm not going to ask again, wheres is Olivia 

Harrison: Mr. President as much as we like to cooperate, we have no information on her location.

Fitz: She took of..... with my daugther I need to know where she is, I need to talk to her.

Abby: Sorry mr. President we are not able to help you.

As he walk out of OPA, Huck walked behind and as he was about to get in the elavator 

Huck: You need to give her time........... she needs time, she is doing good and so is your daugther.

My dad got in the elevator and left.


Fitz: Lauren.....

Lauren: Yes Mr. President.

Fitz: Please clear my schedule for this weekend, I'm taking a trip ....... no wife, no kids..... just me.

Lauren: Yes, sir right away, I will make sure to notify the Camp David staff.

Fitz: No I will not be going to Camp David..... I'm going to my private house in Vermont.

Lauren: Ohhhh Okay sir, is there anything else Mr. President.

Fitz: No... Lauren that will be all.

The weekend came along, and my father was on his way to Vermont and as they were about to land Tom inform him that there were two cars parked outside of the garage, his expresion of surprised captured the attention, he thought and ask himself who was in the property HIS property.


On that same weekend Abby was visiting my mom and me and as they were catching up she mention that my father had busted into OPA a couple of months ago asking for us, and demanding an answers.

Abby: Liv it's been almost 2 years and you haven't called Fitz.

Olivia: Abby you know I have my reasons.

Abby: I understand.... but you know that when she grows up and finds out that you kept her away from her father, that is something she may never forgive.

Olivia: I know that I have to speak with him............ the way I ran off was a surprised for him, but I did it to keep her safe from Washington if they ever find out that the President of the United States has a child with one of his former staff employes, it would become a media circus and I don't think it's fair to put her in that spotlight because it's not her falt her parent fall in love with eachother.

Abby: I don't know Fitz the way you do, but what I do know is that he would never let anything bad happend to her, and the last thing he wants is for her to grow up thinking she has another father, it would kill him.

As we were getting ready to have dinner my mom ran out to get something at the grocery store Abby and I were at home doing hand paitings I was having alot of fun with her..... it was nice to have somebody in this big house besides me and mom. As we we playing around the house Abby and I heard a loud noice come from the back of the house so we went outside and a helicopter was landing in the backyard, I got scared so I hid behind Abby's and I saw this tall man coming over to us and I look at him surprised asking my 2 year old self (WHO IS THIS MAN)

Abby: Mr. President, what brings you around...?

Fitz: Well..... this is my house, what are you doing here..??

Abby: Olivia ran to the store she will be back in an hour, want to come in..?

Fitz: Sure.

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