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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"HELP...... somebody help us pl-please...... Guard Uncle...... GARD UNCLE......PLEASE SOMEBODY ...." the boy yelled on the top of his lungs. But no body came. The boy was a crying mess. He was unable to handle the situation. He too young for that.

He just want to be in his bed hugging his mother feeling safe in her warmth, not in a freezing cold night outside.

"Mommy.... please Mommy don't do this. Please *sob* pl-please Mommy. W-What will i do...P-....." he didn't got to complete his sentence when he experienced the worst nightmare of his life.


Jungkook woke up from the sleep. He cleaned the drop of sweat from his forehead. He looked around and abruptly stood  up understanding that he is still holding Taehyung's hand and still sitting beside him.

His gaze diverted to the sleeping boy. He was sleeping so peacefully. Suddenly worry started to surround his mind. What if someone saw him. He can't risk it, he need to leave immediately. But where? Its his room. Should he wake Taehyung up and ask him to go back to his room.?

"No. Wtf Jungkook. Just get out, before anyone wakeup." He mumbled almost inaudibly. He looked at the clock hanging at the wall.

3 am

He went outside on his tiptoe not to make any noise. He do not want any drama. He still need to sleep so he made his way to his office where atleast he could get some sleep. He went inside and lay down on the sofa and drifted to sleep.

Taehyung woke up when sun rays shinned on his face through a large Windows on his left side. He sat up giving his back support with the backstand of the bed. His eyes wandered here and there and he realized that he is not in his room. Whose room is this? What is he doing here?. He quickly stood up from the soft and comfy bed.

He diverted his eyes around the room and his gaze landed on the picture at the night stand . A small boy standing with a very pretty lady in a garden maybe. A boy will be around 10 or 12 and he has a very pretty bunny smile. His features are quite similar with Jungkook.

Maybe he is his son. JK is married?

"J-JK" Then he remembered all what happened yesterday. "W-what a-am i doing i-in his room." Taehyung gulped visibly in complete fear. Then his gaze met with a white paper lying beside the photo frame. He lifted the paper and read "For Taehyung". He frowned his eyebrows in confusion and slowly opened it to read what's written inside.

Happy Birthday Tae. Well belated actually.
Don't tire yourself too much, and never skip you meals. It's okay to ask for help when you can't take it all by your own. After all what are friends for? You are free to talk to anyone here. Get along with others so that when you are not well or not feeling like okay, ask them to help you. People here don't bite. And keep this letter to your own self. Don't tell anyone that you found it. I don't want JK to get angry with you.

"Jin Hyung". There was no name of the one who has written it but it made Taehyung happy. He is sure that only Jin will be the one who will talk to him about meals and will care for him. He folded the paper and put it in his back pocket of the jeans . He went outside not knowing the way to the kitchen so that he can perform his duty as he is getting late for his college.

Its been just one day he can't risk it that JK again stop him from going to college. He asked the boy who just crossed him for direction. He told him the way and Taehyung went downstairs to the kitchen.

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