Spine Breaker

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻


"Mommy please..."

"No..... No....Mommy....."

"Mommy" Jungkook woke up drenched in sweat. He looked around and calmed down hugging Taehyung's shirt tightly close to his chest.

"It was just a dream Jungkook, she is resting in peace" Jungkook said patting himself to calm down.

He looked at the clock on the night stand and the clock stroke 3:45 am. He laid down again to get more sleep, but he himself knew that he won't be able to sleep anymore. Once he wake up it's too hard to get to sleep again.

He stood up, slipped a T-shirt on his frame and headed out of the room. The silence of the mansion was satisfying. He walked along the long hallway and went down the basement. The guard bowed to him in respect.

"You can leave." Jungkook said to him and he bowed while walking away.

Jungkook cracked the door open and got inside. The room was dark only one dim bulb hanging in the air illuminating the room. He walked farther to the one inside the basement.

He went close to the figure and saw her sleeping. Lisa looked so innocent while sleeping. Jungkook can see a 5 year old Lisa who often slept at his place while playing.

"We could have been friends Lisa, we were so close to eachother. I never lessen my affection for you even after what your father did to me Lisa. I always thought of you as my little sister, as my best friend. Why would you do that Lisa? Why would you betray me...." Jungkook crouched down at her level.

As he bent down he saw Lisa's lips were moving. She was lying on her stomach, her dress changed but dirty. The dirt of the ground was printed on her dress. Jungkook bent farther to listen what she was saying. Lisa had a childhood habit of talking while sleeping.

"Yeonnie...... i miss you...... come take me away......... i will forget him...... he is not mine, he never was. How could he love me after what i did........ first Father broke him and now i did it." Jungkook felt some warm liquid on his hand and then he realized his hand was on Lisa's cheek.


"He deserve Taehyung...... i did him alot wrong yeonnie. How am i going to apologize for all this......... remember one thing Yeonnie, i love you. I don't think i will make it out of it......... don't hate me...... i only did this for my love. I was wrong i know...... but....." lisa flipped around and Jungkook came back to reality.

"Lisa why......... why did you developed feelings for me? I'm........ we were good friends, crime partners Lisa, you ruined all of it......." Jungkook didn't knew what to do. He just stayed there lookingat her back.

He stretched his hand while lifting the edge of the shirt she was wearing. Her back was all red, marks of whip clear and the wounds were still new cz as he mistakenly touched one she hissed while curling away.

"Wake up..." Jungkook said sniffing hard to control his emotions. He felt his heart break as Lisa woke up quickly.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't knew I slept late......... it will never happen again J-JK." Lisa said trying her best to sit straight.

"Do you know what time is it?" Jungkook said face void of any emotion.


"Then how do you know that you slept for late." Jungkook said while folding his arms infront of his chest.

"Y-Yoongi said you'll v-visit today at 10" Jungkook saw the fear clear in her eyes. He don't know why he is feeling guilty but deep down he felt like he is responsible of Lisa's doings.

Innocent (TaeKook)Where stories live. Discover now