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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"I want some time alone" Taehyung went inside and said to Jimin. Jimin couldn't say anything other than just nodding.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Jimin asked him after a while, Taehyung didn't said anything just looked him in the eyes. Jimin knew he is not okay but here Jimin cannot do anything as he can see he want to be alone for some time.

Jimin left the room without saying anything and closing the door on his way out.

Taehyung slowly walked to the side drawer and crouched down to the last one. He sat beside it and opened the drawer.

He pulled out 15 letters that were all same. White paper with for Taehyung written on it. He opened one by one and started reading them again. He felt his vision becoming blurry.

He didn't know what he was feeling, this foreign feeling is very painful. He feels like his heart is clenching, as in he was not just. The look on Jungkook's face was disturbing.

He felt like he is responsible for his state. He read all the letters again and the warm feeling that was present in the words was not helping him to lessen the guilt. Yes he was feeling guilty, guilt for being a burden, guilt for making Jungkook cry, for making him sad.

He kept on reading them, to help himself. He started crying, the pain was not lessening. He kept on trying his best to make it stop but he can't.

A small sob left his mouth unable to contain himself. He was busy with his feelings when he heard door closing. He folded all the letters and threw them in the drawer and closed it real fast.

He turned around to see who was the one who entered the room.

"Hi.... sorry I didn't asked before coming" the person said.

"You don't have to Hobi hyung." Taehyung said while showing that he is fine.

"Are you okay?"

"How funny.... chim asked the same thing few minutes earlier." Taehyung said while sitting beside Hobi.

"So what did you answered him?"

"I don't need words to talk to him. He know me really well."

"How funny.... the same thing Jimin said about you." A small smile got plastered on Taehyung's face.

"See you look too good while smiling. Why spoil this beautiful face?" Hobi said and Taehyung couldn't help but smile again.

"Okay fine now, I don't wanna die today. You smile really is killer dude." Hobi said softly, placing his hand on his heart and clutching it.

Taehyung couldn't help but giggle softly. Hobi dramatically dropped on his back on the bed portraying death.

"Stop...." Taehyung said while giggling. Hobi sat back and ruffled his hairs.

"So what were you doing?" Hobi said hand still in younger's hairs.


"Okay if you don't want to tell me." Hobi sat properly making his posture straight to say something.

"Can i say something Tae?" Taehyung nodded.

"He is not a bad person you know?" Hobi said.

"W-who?" Taehyung said not making eye contact with him.

"You know for whom I'm saying this." Hobi said looking at him. "He did what he did for some reason." Taehyung shivered visibly.

"I-I don't want t-to talk about it." Taehyung said eyes not leaving his lap.

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