The Truth

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

It's been four days since Jungkook said that to Jimin. Ever since then Jungkook did everything to make Jimin forgive him.

He spent days crying and begging but Jimin didn't grant him even a gaze. Ever since that day Jimin didn't left his room. Or more like nobody knows that he did.

Jimin would wake up early and leave the mansion and would come back late at night when everyone is sleeping. After that day he didn't talked to anyone, not even Yoongi and Taehyung.

Yoongi tried to call him often but he always declined the calls and Taehyung knocked his door hundred times a day but didn't got to see him.

Jungkook knew that Jimin is not being home. How?.

He also didn't slept properly since that day. He often saw older coming back home near 3am or 4am.

Jimin never attended any meal time with any of the member. No body actually know where do he go or what he do. Jungkook tried to find but he only got to see him once near there old orphanage. But he still don't know where do he went.

Jungkook tried to call him, to tail him but nothing proved fruitful. Jimin was cut off the world. He skipped his college as well. He seem like he is not alive anymore. Something died inside him.

It was afternoon as always the mansion was in grave silence just the work was keeping their communication going other than that nobody talked.

Jungkook was in his office head in his hands and still thinking about what he did and what should he do. The promise that he main to himself few days back was shattering.

He was deep in his thoughts when he heard a small knock on the door. The first thing he thought was Taehyung came, deep inside little, very very little happiness lit up but again it was very small infront of his roaring anger.

He didn't answered, another knock, he ignored it again. Then the other one and he out of frustration said. "Come in"

He didn't wanted to see the brunette so he prepared himself to insult him soon as he will speak but to his surprise the other didn't said anything but instead came infront of the desk and stood there for a second. Jungkook still didn't lifted his head.the other just turned to the table and stood behind him.

"Wha..." Jungkook couldn't speak any further as he felt the figure massaging his nape. It didn't took him much longer to realize who is the behind him.

"What do you want Lisa?" Jungkook said.

"I-i came to a-apologize." Jungkook frowned listening to Lisa's tone.

"What for?" Jungkook said.

"I-i shouldn't h-have told you the truth, atleast J-Jimin wouldn't be angry with you today." Lisa said hands leaving Jungkook's nape.

"You don't need to the apologize, one day the truth would have came out anyway." Jungkook said.

"It wouldn't have! Taehyung made sure of it. Atleast Jimin was happy that way. Everyone was happy. It's my fault. It's all my fault, I ruined everything." Lisa faked a cry to which Jungkook stood up from his chair quickly.

"Lisa, don't blame yourself. You did the right thing. How long he should have been happy, this way he will recover soon but if he would have found out himself, that would've broken him worse than that. So don't worry, everything will be okay." Jungkook tried to relax Lisa, who was crying, faking a cry.

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