It's Over

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Yoongs...?" Jimin whisper yelled.

"I'm all set Jim." Yoongi replied through the earpiece .

"Let's go then." Jimin said and on his command the group of assassins walked forward in two groups. As they went inside they saw guards walking around the center of the mansion, Bogum's room.

Jimin jumped into the dark hallway and before the guard turned he hid himself with the shadow of the wall.

He made himself so thin that one can hardly differentiate his figure from wall. He seemed the part of the wall. 

With his two fingers he gestured the others to keep walking along the shadows. The black and yellow striped hallway due to the presence and absence of light was quite advantageous for them. The presence of shadow is like a home to a shadow walker.

"On the count of 3" Jimin said and counted till three and a loud roar of gun shots echoed. Ones silent hall was now booming with bullet shouting.

"I want him alive." Jimin said in the ear piece. "Roger sir." The answer came in return.

They walked forward and with every step one guard was down. Once clean shiny hall was now filled with the dead bodies and blood stains.

Jimin jumped to the guard who was having his back to him and his front was towards Bogum's room. He jumped on the top of him and shot him at the top of his skull causing the blood to spit out of his mouth.

The guard dropped and Jimin stood on the ground. Before entering to the room he looked behind himself and saw the bodies pilled up. He felt bad for all those.

They were killed for no reason, but he got no other choice. He didn't had the leverage to talk to them and make them understand that what Bogum did is wrong.

He huffed for the finnal time and kicked the door open. As he entered the room he heard Bogum shouting on someone over the phone.

"GET THEM..... ALL OF THEM. NONE OF THEM SHOULD WALK OUT OF HERE ALIVE." Jimin smirked and then he shot the wall, bullet passing a few inches away from Bogum's ear and made a hole in the wall.

Now Jimin was having Bogum's full attention. He abruptly turned and the phone almost fell from his hand seeing the bloodshot eyes of Jimin.

He gulped seeing his shirt drenched in blood. The blood stains on his hand. Somehow Bogum got the idea that he don't have the upper hand anymore but still he tried his luck.

He quickly dialed the number and brought the phone to his ear. But before he can talk Jimin shot his phone and broke the screen causing Bogum's hand to tremble in pure terror.

"We gotta talk." Jimin said gaining the authority back and walked with slow steps toward other.

"Remember what i told you Mr. Kim. If i see you around him again that will be your last day." Jungkook said and others eyes widened. He pushed the old man and his head hit the wall causing him to drop to the ground and he fell unconscious.

Jungkook turned to the brunette who was still trembling over the corner. Jungkook crouched down to his level and his expressions changed to a soft ones.

"It's me Love. You are safe now." He said while stretching his hand slowly to catch other's.

Taehyung flinched on the touch and jerked his hand again. This caused him to kill each and every single person who caused Taehyung such pain again.

"T-Tannie is still waiting for you love." Jungkook said knowing surely that how much Taehyung love Yeontan.

On the mention of Yeontan, Taehyung slowly lifted his head, slightly peeked up from his arms and looked at Jungkook with one eye.

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