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Jungkook lay sprawled on his bed, one arm cushioning his head while his legs dangled over the edge. Lost in thought, he grappled with the recent events.

What had just happened?

He contemplated, shifting his right arm beneath his head and letting his left rest peacefully on the bed. The confusion regarding Taehyung's actions plagued his mind. He hadn't done anything to provoke such a response. Though he had managed to control himself once he saw Taehyung's condition, he couldn't shake off the perplexity.

Lying there for over two hours since the interaction with Taehyung, Jungkook couldn't shake off the questions. The image of Taehyung's trembling body and his subsequent collapse haunted him. Why had he caught Taehyung? Why had he abandoned his plan? Why had he softened when he saw the vulnerable state of the younger man?

These queries kept him captive, his mind racing.


"What did you do, JK? Look at him, man," Namjoon had exclaimed while rushing towards Taehyung. Jungkook turned, intending to leave the room. A scream pierced the air, making him pause and glance back at the scene. Namjoon stood by Taehyung, who seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Acting on an impulse, Jungkook reached out a hand towards the trembling boy, but Taehyung recoiled, moving away from him. Namjoon, puzzled by this reaction, attempted to comfort the younger boy, but Taehyung's fear seemed insurmountable.

"Please, father. Please, stop. It hurts. I didn't break my promise. I didn't tarnish your name. I didn't even look. Father, please, not... not again. Please, forgive me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please. I'm telling the truth, father. I kept my promise," Taehyung's tearful plea echoed, his words filled with desperation and regret.

"Hey, Taehyung. Look at me, see here. Look." Namjoon separated Taehyung's clasped hands and gently held his chin, attempting to make eye contact. But all Namjoon saw were tears streaming down Taehyung's face and a clammy sheen of sweat.

"Let me call Jin. Is that okay? Do you want to see him?" Namjoon had asked, but Taehyung didn't even offer a nod. Jungkook stood there in a daze, struggling to make sense of the situation.

Had I caused this?

He asked himself repeatedly. Although Jungkook was much more sober now than when he had entered the room, he grappled with the question of his responsibility. Namjoon attempted to soothe Taehyung, but the younger man showed no sign of calming down. Eventually, Namjoon left to call Jin, leaving Jungkook alone with his thoughts.

Taehyung's mind was a whirlwind, everything swirling uncontrollably. Distant voices echoed, a faint chorus of words he could barely comprehend. He felt a light touch on his arm and tried to focus on the face attached to it, but darkness consumed his vision. Soon, he lost his footing, stumbling forward into a void.

Jungkook acted instinctively, catching Taehyung's limp form as it fell. Gently placing him on the bed, he watched as Jin, Jackson, and Yoongi entered the room. With a heavy heart, Jungkook exited.

**End of Flashback.**

With these questions plaguing his mind, Jungkook eventually drifted into slumber.


"Did you sleep in there? You spent a full two hours in the bathroom," a person entered Jimin's room, observing the disheveled figure on the bed. Jimin huffed, collapsing onto the soft mattress.

"Come on, Hobi, I lost for the first time in my life, and all because of that cheater. I needed to unwind," Jimin's frustration was palpable. He had lost a dance competition due to his opponent's cheating tactics.

"Come on, dude. Let it go. It wasn't that important. After all, it was just a competition," Hobi consoled, making himself comfortable on the bed.

"Go pack your bags, Jim. Your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity awaits," Jimin recalled, a mix of pride and excitement evident in his words.

"It's an honor to perform at SSI. I'm so proud of my best friend," Hobi's smile radiated genuine happiness.

"You're so different from him. You don't really value talent. He was so thrilled when I told him. God, I miss him," Jimin's voice wavered as he reminisced about his best friend's response. He let out a chuckle and playfully smacked Hobi's head. "Ahh, Jim, stop."

"Oh yeah, someone called you... twice. It was from a local number," Hobi handed Jimin's phone back to him. "When?" Jimin's tone conveyed exhaustion. "Around noon. You were in the hall at that time," Hobi replied, adopting a thoughtful expression. "It's too late now. If they call again, I'll deal with it tomorrow," Jimin sighed, realizing the futility of attending to missed calls at this hour.

"I just hope Tae will be alright. God knows how he's doing. Tomorrow, the first thing I'll do is call him," Jimin resolved, acknowledging his responsibility. He settled deeper into the bed.


"Wake up, baby. Please wake up." Jin's desperate plea hung in the air as he gazed at the pale figure lying motionless on the bed. Eight hours had passed since Taehyung had lost consciousness. The clock read 2 AM, and Jin and Jackson had remained by Taehyung's side throughout.

"It's all my fault. I could have stayed. I could have insisted that JK leave him alone, but I left... I left him," Jin's voice broke as he fought back tears, his guilt overwhelming him.

"It's not your fault, Jin. We all know that no one can control the darkness within him. Let's hope he wakes up soon. You should get some rest, and be presentable when he wakes. I'll stay here," Jackson reassured, his hand resting on Jin's arm as he offered a comforting smile.

"I'm not sure about that. He'll probably hate me. I left him alone with that monster," Jin's voice wavered with anguish.

"Didn't you hear what Namjoon hyung said? When he called out your name, there was a faint glimmer of relief in his eyes. It was small, but you're his source of comfort. Go rest, Jin. He'll likely want to see you first when he wakes up. I'll stay with him," Jackson implored

, recognizing Jin's distress. Jin eventually conceded, defeated by his own worries. He left the room, and Jackson turned his attention back to the unconscious boy.

"Please, wake up. I just found you, and I can't lose you so soon."

Hello Army 💜💜
Thank you to everyone who read this story. Also vote and comment so that i can correct where i am wrong.
I purple you 💜💜

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