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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Taehyung was lying on his bed. Jin just left his room. It's currently 9pm. He was busy thinking about what happened a few hours back. He never saw Jungkook in that condition. He seem so vulnerable, so weak. He was a child who was hurt, who lost his everything and the one who took it was none other than his father.

Taehyung tried all he could to think of it as a he being a victim but in his view all of it seem quite justifiable, Jungkook did what happened to him the only difference is that he was a kid and Taehyung is an adult, he knows his right and wrong. And from all his life  he know his father, he has no doubt that Jungkook is telling the truth.

Taehyung was lost in his thinking and the train of his thoughts halt when a soft knock was heard on the door. He flinched, don't blame him even if  he think Jungkook is right, still what happened it was the most terrifying thing for him. It brought back alot of memories, memories that he desperately wanted to forget.

"Y-yes" his voice was very low, almost inaudible but the person outside heard it as it was very quite. Not just the room the whole mansion was in a grave silence. And the knob turned opening the door and a person entered in with a smile on his face, a smug smile.

"Hi Taehyungie." There was clear fakeness in the voice.

"H-hello Ma'am" Taehyung tried to sit up.

"Lisa. Call me Lisa. And don't get uncomfortable just lay down." Taehyung can clearly tell that all this is fake and there is clearly another motive behind this visit.

"I actually came here to apologize. I shouldn't have asked you that question. I mean i have no right to criticize you or judge you. I'm really sorry" Lisa said in quite low yet apologetic voice and it almost seemed true. Almost.

Taehyung quite forget what Lisa asked but then as she mentioned it now he remembered that. He tried to believe that it was Lisa's trick to get him under this condition he was in but then again Lisa sounded quite guilty so he being a pure soul let it slip thinking it might just be a coincidence.

"I-it's okay L-Lisa. You don't have to apologize. After all it was a game." Taehyung gave her a little smile.

"Aww baby thank u so much you are so cute. Do you know that." Taehyung felt shy listening to this and juat smile while looking down.

"I really envy you sometimes. I mean look at you baby, you are so cute and beautiful. Even you challenge me." She eyed Taehyung who was blushing listening to this but shook his head. Lisa was being too good to be true.

"Now I believe why JK is so fixated on sending you there. A pure love for his friend indeed. But you..... poor soul; you are not even being considered to be asked" Lisa's expression changed a little.

Taehyung froze on the place. Him being send, all of them know? Or JK literally told Lisa about sending him more like selling him as a prostitute. He is going to do it indeed. Jungkook's words sounded in his ears again.

"So I'll do whatever i want to do with you....."

"Opps I'm sorry i was not suppose to tell you. O God JK will kill me. P-please don't tell him you know. Please Taehyngie i beg you keep i-it to yourself. If h-he got to know that i told you he will do worse to me. You know his anger, when he get angry he....."

"D-don't worry he will never get to know and you didn't told m-me anything." Taehyung said with a weak smile that kind off amazed Lisa.

He is not even bothered by it. shameless. Don't worry i have alot in store for you if not this.

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