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"Surprise, surprise."

Taehyung's complexion paled, rendering him practically immobile. He attempted to blink, but his eyes betrayed his shock. He was utterly astounded; how could his father be home earlier than expected? Why was the car not parked outside?

"F-f-fa-father," he stammered after a brief pause, unable to formulate any other words. As his father advanced towards him, Taehyung involuntarily took a step back. He realized this was not the time for a pleasant conversation. His father wasn't furious; he was grinning. Grinning? Why would he be grinning? Taehyung pondered this, as he had rarely witnessed his father smiling. It had always been his wish, but he was also aware that his father only smiled in his presence when he acquired something that could serve as a pretext for his abusive behavior.

"Hello there, my utterly useless son," his father said, taking another step closer to Taehyung, who retreated another step. Taehyung's father allowed him the space to avoid him as much as possible, but this respite was brief. Taehyung took yet another step back, and he felt the chill of cold concrete against his back. He had no escape now. Hope eluded him. Only a miracle could save him, and he knew that such luck wasn't on his side. He didn't attempt to flee further. What was the point? He would inevitably be captured, and where could he run to? His sole source of solace had been Jimin, who wasn't present. Thus, Taehyung let his backpack slip off his shoulder and fall to the ground. The sound of hearty laughter filled the air, and in the next moment, he was struggling to breathe. His father had seized his neck with a vice-like grip, hauling him closer. Taehyung emitted a sound of pain, gasping for scant breath, as he teetered between consciousness and unconsciousness. He hoped this state would persist for a while, until eventually, the ordeal would culminate. No more agony, no more tears – freedom awaited. Therefore, he ceased to resist, permitting his father to exert all the force he wished. Alas, luck was not on his side. Taehyung's father shoved him forcefully, and his head collided with the wall. He tumbled to the ground.

"How could you be my son? What a disappointment it is that I squandered my sperm on you. You're a mere waste of space," his father hissed, clutching a fistful of Taehyung's blonde hair, elevating his head to meet his gaze. Taehyung observed the disdain and animosity evident in his father's eyes. However, he couldn't fathom why this was transpiring again. He was home on time, had done the dishes before school, tidied the house, and... the beer? Oh God, did I forget to purchase the new pack? He knew he hadn't visited the store yesterday. This was a grim situation. First, he missed the beer, and secondly, he failed to attend his shift again, resulting in a deduction from his daily wage – equating to more punishment – equating to...

"Why, Tae? Am I not a decent father? Why must you tarnish my name? How could you behave this way, in light of everything I've done for you?" Taehyung's father yanked his hair severely, raising the boy to his feet. Well, 'raising' was an overstatement; Taehyung was more suspended in his father's grasp, and he failed to understand what his father was saying. A slap resonated in the small living room, and Taehyung was quite certain that if his father hadn't been holding him, he would have collided face-first with the wall. Grimacing from the stinging sensation in his left cheek, and struggling to suppress tears, he spoke, "I-I'm s-sorry, F-father. I'll b-be more c-careful next t-ti..." His sentence was interrupted by yet another slap, and this time, Taehyung did indeed connect with the wall.

"Next time? So you're devoid of remorse? You feel no guilt for your actions, and you intend to persist in shaming my name before everyone?" Taehyung didn't have ample time to reflect upon what was transpiring before a robust blow landed on his jaw. He was certain that if the slap hadn't occurred, the impact with the wall certainly would have left a mark. He hadn't even processed the situation when a bulky punch landed on his jaw, and he was now confident that the slap didn't leave as much of a mark. He struggled to comprehend his father's words; why did neglecting to purchase beer result in shaming his father's name? Despite his confusion, he refrained from arguing, aware that any dispute would merely lead to additional punches. He looked up at his father with bewildered eyes. His father seized his jaw with a force that elicited a hiss of pain from Taehyung, coupled with a subdued whimper. "What? Do not feign innocence; it's futile. Did you truly believe you could continue this clandestine behavior without my knowledge? Is it that now you're pretending not to comprehend my words? Perhaps his father interpreted Taehyung's gaze, as he seemed to grasp the boy's bewilderment. Consequently, Taehyung summoned the courage to speak once more, "F-Father, I'll be punctual, I p-promise. I won't take any further l-leaves and I'll follow your directives diligently. Please, s-stop." Fatigue consumed Taehyung, and he prayed that his father would understand. Would he?

"Leaves? Punctual? What are... oh, so you neglected to visit the store yesterday. I suppose you require a dose of discipline to fall in line, young man." With that, his father delivered a blow to Taehyung's abdomen, causing him to bend over and clutch his stomach. However, the onslaught didn't halt – it continued, blow after blow, until his father's labored breathing eventually overtook the room. Taehyung had been oblivious to the passage of time. Well, so what was all that about? When did I do something? When? I don't recall... Another pang of pain surged through his body, and he suddenly recollected something. This might be the reason for today's ordeal.

"J-Jimin," he uttered, turning his attention to his father, who perhaps anticipated the boy's realization. "And now you're aware, huh..." His father advanced towards him again, but Taehyung crawled slightly backward, attempting to distance himself from his father. He understood this was far from over – it was only beginning. "F-father, p-please, hear me out. It's not w-what you thi—"

"Oh, boy! Spare yourself the effort of weaving falsehoods. I've witnessed enough to deduce the truth, so save your breath." His father wasn't even willing to grant Taehyung an opportunity to explain.

"You're just seventeen, God help you, and you're already slipping through my grasp. What will you do when you're on your own? Boy, you need to grasp the

basics first." His father launched another kick at Taehyung's shoulder, compelling his face closer to the boy's. "F-father, p-please, just stop. I assure you, I haven't done anything. I haven't broken my promise. J-Jimin came by to bid me farewell before heading to the festival. I'm sorry, Father. I swear, I'm speaking the truth," Taehyung pleaded, clutching his father's feet in an attempt to halt him. Perhaps, miraculously, his father did understand. Or perhaps not, but he ceased his onslaught. After drawing a long breath, he turned and ascended the staircase. Yet, before disappearing upstairs, he cast a final glance at the blonde and remarked, "Change your attire and attend your shift. I'm certain you don't require any additional bruises."

Taehyung felt grateful. Yes, he was grateful to the universe for the minimal harm he had endured. "Thank you," he whispered to no one in particular, using the wall as support to rise. It took several attempts, but he managed to stand, and with measured steps, he ambled to his room to prepare for work. He was in pain, his entire body aching from even the slightest movement, but he lacked the luxury of rest. He needed to earn; he needed to shoulder his responsibilities. (After all, he had a father to support, didn't he?) He forwent the luxury of a shower, instead focusing on eliminating evidence of the recent turmoil, since he was already running late. He shed his blazer, zipped up his jacket, and ventured out the door, beginning his walk along a familiar route to the store. Lost in thought, he permitted his steps to guide him to his destination. He glanced skyward and uttered,

"Life is akin to a bed of thorns, a cycle of pain and suffering. Undoubtedly, LIFE = PAIN, comprising an equivalent number of letters and nearly the same meaning."

"Have you located him? Any leads?"

"N-No, sir. My apologies. It's as if he's vanished into thin air."

"You have a mere two days. Find him. Otherwise, prepare to witness your family's demise."


Hello Army...
Thank you soo much to everyone who read the first chapter. I hope you will like the book.. Just wait for the coming chapters.
I purple you💜💜

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