~The Encounter~

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~Y/n Point Of View~

After 2 days of walking, we finally made it to konaha. It was a pretty big village. We had to wait awhile before they let us in.

Once we did we walked into the village. It was a lot better then the sand village. I think i might stay here for a while after the chunin exams.

As i followed Gaara i notice some loud talking the way we're heading. It seemed as if someone was arguing.

"I'll be right back, i need to go to the hokages office,don't cause any trouble." Gaara left before we could reply.

I kept following the blondie since i didn't want to be alone. While walking we run into some kids. They looked about our age. I think they were the ones making all that noise earlier.

"Who are you guys!?" The yellow head angrily asked as he got into a fighting position. I didn't really want to deal with this so i jumped into a tree. I watched as they all started arguing.

Gaara then shows up and hits them on the head. "Didn't i say not to cause trouble." He coldly says.

"Who are you!?" The yellow head says.

"We are here for the chunin exams. We have permission to be here. I guess you won't be in them from how clueless you are." Gaara says.

"Hey! Don't disrespect the future hokage!"

"Pff you really believe you're strong enough to be hokage?!" The blondie says.

"Fight me and find out!!"

"We have no interest in fighting a weakling like you." Gaara says.

Suddenly i feel someone land next to me. They throw a kunai at Gaara. "How about you fight me?" I look up to see a raven head guy.

"Hm i will, but not now." Gaara says walking away with the others following him.

This guy caught my attention. "What's your name?" I say with no emotion.

He looks down at me and stares till he finally responds. "Uchiha Sasuke". I feel like i've heard that name before, but where. Then it hit me.

"Are you possibly related to Uchiha Itachi?" I ask.

His eyes widened at my question. He pulls out a kunai and hold it against my throat. "How do you know that name!"

"Don't worry about it." I coldly say. I quickly grab his wrist and pull it behind his back. I take a kunai out and put it against his neck just like he did to me.

"Hm you seem pretty strong, but not strong enough." I put my kunai back into my pouch and walk away.

"Wait! what's your name!?!" Sasuke angrily demands.

I stop walking and smirk. " Y/n Nakajima."

"Nakajima?!" Sasuke says in shock.

"Now that you know i'll be on my way. See you around Uchiha." I start walking towards the place we are supposed to be staying in.

While walking through the village my mind kept going back to the Uchiha. Something about him made me interested.

Before i knew it i was smirking at the thought of him. Is there something wrong with me!?! Ugh i cant cant be thinking about him right now. I must focus on my goal.

Before reaching the hotel, i changed my mind so i went to the woods. I looked for a good spot till i found one.

~Sasuke Point Of View~

As i followed y/n, i could tell she was strong. She was just like me. There was only hate and anger in her eyes. I want to know why.

I followed her into the woods and watched her sit down. She started making hand signs. I've never seen that combination before, i wonder what jutsu that is.

When she finished she yelled out "Lighting style: Needle Attack!" Lighting started forming onto her hands as needles made of lighting are thrown towards the tree. The needles started electrocuting the tree, making it burn down. After a few seconds, all that remained are the trees ashes.

Those things are deadly. I wouldn't want to get hit by one of those. Would she teach me that jutsu if i asked her?

Y/n started walking to the river that was next to her. She started preforming another jutsu that i didn't recognize either.

Since she was further away, i couldn't hear the name of the jutsu. All i saw was water start coming up and moving quickly towards the trees. When the water droplets hit the trees it turned into ice. The whole tree was covered in ice. What jutsu is that?

I wanted to get closer to see what else she would do since it didn't seem like she was done. I started jumping from tree to tree till i got closer. When i landed on the tree next to her, i lost my balance and fell.

I got up to see y/n staring at me. "Uh what are you doing, Uchiha?" Damn she's so cold.

"I was passing by but then i lost my balance and fell." I reply in the same tone she did.

She looks at me with a emotionless expression. "Just get out of here, Uchiha." She turns around and starts walking away.

"Wait." I shout getting her attention.

"What do you need, Uchiha. I don't got time to waste." Why is she so cold. I mean i'm just like her but still.

"What was that jutsu you just did?"

"That isn't your business. Now if you excuse me, i have to go train." She reply's in her normal emotionless tone. It was kinda annoying.

"Hn." Is all that left my mouth as i walked away. I didn't care anyways. I don't need to know that stupid jutsu to be strong.

~Y/n Point Of View~

That Uchiha is really getting on my nerves. I don't care if we just met, he keeps showing up. I hope not to see him anymore unless it was to fight. I have no time to be wasting on feeling except revenge!

To Be Continued...

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