~Late Night Walk~

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~Y/n Point Of View~

I start walking over to the hotel we are staying in. The sun has already set so i should get to bed. I needed my rest to train tomorrow.

Before i had left Orochimaru, he was teaching me a really power jutsu. It took my longer then expected to learn it, so i might as well keep working on it till i master it. Even though i hate Orochimaru, i have to give him credit for making me strong.

Tomorrow when i'm well rested, i should have all my chakra back so that i can use my speed and all my kekkei genkai.

As i walk back to the hotel, i start to wonder how strong Gaara is. He has a lot of chakra inside him making me want to fight him. After this is over i'll fight him to test my strength.

Finally i got to the hotel. I walk in while looking around. I ask the lady to tell me which room Gaara is in.

I start heading to the second floor. The lady said he was in room 203. This hallway gives me the creeps. It's so dark in here.

When i reach Gaara's room, I knock. He doesn't respond so i knock again., this time alittle bit louder.

I finally hear foot steps walking towards the door. I lean my head against the door to make sure i'm hearing right. Before i could lean back, the door opens making me fall.

Suddenly i realize i landed ontop of Gaara! "I'm so sorry!" He wasn't wearing a shirt. I looked away not wanting to look at his body.

"It's fine just get off of me." I get off quickly, dusting myself off. I hold my hand out for Gaara while blushing at what just happened. He hesitates to accept my help but gives in on the last second.

"Sorry again.!" I say while rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's fine, you should head to bed." He coldly says.

"Where am i sleeping." I ask.

"Well since you came late i wouldn't want you waking up Temari or she'll kill you so i guess you can stay with me." He steps aside telling me to come in.

I walk in looking around for the couch. Once i spot it, i start walking to it and plop on it. It wasn't comfortable but i'm exhausted.

I make myself as comfortable as i can and take out a book to read tonight. I look up one last time to see what Gaara is doing. He's sitting by the window looking at the sky. I wonder why he isn't sleeping. Well not that it's any of my business anyways. I look down to start reading for the night.

~Gaara Point Of View~

Once i let y/n in, she went straight for the couch. I guess she was tired from today. I thought she would go straight to sleep but instead she took out a book and started to read.

All i did was look up at the sky while thinking. It's kinda boring at night since there's not much to do. It must be nice to be able to sleep without a problem.

After an hour, i look over to y/n to see if she's asleep. " How come you're not asleep yet." I say in my normal cold tone. She looks at me and before answering, she puts her book down.

"I'm not tired." I could clearly tell that was a lie.

"You suffer from insomnia, don't you?" I ask.

"Is it that obvious?" She responds while looking down.

"To me it is, i've suffered from that since i was a little kid so it's not hard to tell."

"Yeah i've had it for a long time too.." She puts her book on the table next to her and stands up.

"I'll be back, i'm going on a walk.." Before i could respond she was already gone. She's quite fast. Well now i have nothing to do so might as well go back to looking at the stars.

~Y/n Point Of View~

While i walked to the park, i kept remembering about how it use to feel to fall asleep without a problem. I miss sleeping without waking up from bad dreams. They weren't even dreams, they were memories. Memories i wish i could forget.

I got to the park and walked over to a swing. It was so quiet here that i could hear the wind blowing away the leaves. I should have brought a jacket so i don't catch a cold, not that it matters.

I kept on swinging. Suddenly i feel water fall on my face. I look up to see clouds covering up the bright moon. I love the rain so it didn't bother me that it was about to rain. I actually preferred if it rained. I love the sound it makes when it hits certain things. The rain makes me feel calm for some strange reason.

As i kept swinging, i could feel the water hit my clothes and face. The cold raindrops hitting my face felt relaxing. At this point it was just drizzling. If i stay any longer i'll catch a cold, but then i'd be bored at the hotel so i'll stay.

~Sasuke Point Of View~

As i was walking home from a late night walk, i saw someone swinging on the swings. I walked closer to see if i'd recognize the person. Once i got close enough i saw who it was. Y/n.

I didn't feel like dealing with her so i wanted to walk away, but something was stopping me. Something told me i couldn't leave her out in the cold like this. She doesn't even have a jacket on.

Ugh she's such a pain. While i take of my hoodie, i start to wonder what she's doing out here all alone. Shouldn't she be with Gaara or something.

I start walking over to her to hand her my hoodie. Her guard was down so she didn't sense me coming because if she did, she'd say something.

I got behind her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around in shock but i ignored it. "It's cold out outside, put this on." I coldly say while holding up my hoodie for her to take.

"Aww those the Uchiha care about me." She teased. I couldn't help but blush alittle because she was kinda of right but i don't even know why.

"I don't care, i just want to fight you at full strength. Not while you're weak from a cold." I say while looking away. She surprisingly takes the hoodie out of my hands.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Uchiha!"

"Tch." Was all that came out of my mouth. I had nothing else to say to her. She put on the hoodie and lifted a part for her to smell it. "I never imagined you'd smell this nice!" She chuckles.

"Yeah whatever. Go home." I started walking away from her.

"H-home..?" Is all i hear her say. I turn back and saw her walking off. Her hand inside the pockets while her hood was on.

For some unexplainable reason, i didn't want her walking back alone. Without thinking i yelled hoping to get her attention. " Wait!"

To be Continued...

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