~Team 7~

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~Y/n Point Of View~

I wanted to get up before anyone woke up. I gently placed Gaara down, trying not to wake him up from his peaceful nap.

It was quite today, not a bird nor the wind making any noise. It was so peaceful which felt so relaxing. I start walking towards the river that Sasukes teams was near so that i could refill my water bottle.

Once I got there, I noticed they were all asleep, even Sasuke who was supposed to be guarding them.

"Tch. Guarding my ass." I mumbled.

I squatted next to the river and started refilling my water bottle. When it was filled, I took a large sip of it to refresh my throat.

Suddenly I feel someone tackle me to the ground. I didn't know who it was but I quickly pushed them off and kicked them towards a tree, earning a loud groan from them.

I looked to see who it was, to my surprise it was Naruto, the knucklehead I met not to long ago.

"Try anything like that again and i'll kill you." I threatened.

"What are you doing here! You were planning on stealing our scroll weren't you!?!" He shouted making Sasuke and Sakura wake up.

I stood there, unbothered as I let them fully wake up to notice what's happening.

"What the hell is happening!" Sakura yelled. When her eyes finally landed on me she got ready to fight.

"Sasuke calm your teammates down before I kill them." I said.

"Nar-" Before Sasuke could calm down his teammates, Naruto and Sakura started running towards me.

Naruto tried landing a punch but instead earned a kick in the stomach, making him throw up blood. I then punched him in the face and kicked him to the ground. Sakura tried stabbing me with her kunai, which failed miserably. I grabbed the kunai with my hands, making the pinky freeze which gave me a chance to strike. I kneeled her in the stomach and then pushed her face down to my knee hard enough to knock her unconscious.

"Pathetic." I said before looking up to see Sasuke pissed off.

"They attacked first." I said.

Without a word, Sasuke turned on his sharingan. I didn't once feel scared. His eyes are nothing compared to Itachi's.

"Like I said they attacked first. Now if you want to attack me then go ahead but just know you can't win." I coldly say making the Uchiha sign.

I took that as a sign that he wasn't going to attack so I started walking off. "Keep those two under control if you want them to live longer." I say before I disappeared from Sasuke sight.

That idiot really needs to control them before they do something reckless. They're lucky I was able to control myself at the sight of blood. If not for that I would have killed them even with the nine tails in him. Sakura would be an easy kill unlike Naruto.

"Where have you been?" I hear someone say. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice I already made it back to the camp.

"I went to get some water." I said.

"Okay well let's start heading to the middle." Gaara replied.

-Time skip-

"I guess we're the first ones here." Temari said.

"We get to rest up then." Kankuro happily said.

Everyone went to take a seat in the waiting room. I was about to go with them when I felt a familiar presence. It was quite far from where I was but it was strong. The only person I can think of is..

"Orochimaru...I need to get to him now!" I started running to the direction I felt his chakra coming from. There are 3 others near him, Sasukes team! If i don't get there in time he'll get Sasuke. I can't let that happen.

After running for a while I finally see Sasuke and his team...but I was to late. Orochimaru has already given Sasuke his curse mark....

Right when I was about to say something, Orochimaru noticed my presence.

"It's so nice of you to join us y/n~" He said.

"You bastard! How dare you hurt someone else for you selfish needs!" I start running towards him recklessly. I was about to land a punch when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach.

"You shouldn't hurt your old master y/n~"

"Kabuto..!" I get up to face Orochimarus lap dog.

"The one and only!" He reply's.

"Well it was nice of you to visit but I got to go now." Before I could protest, he disappeared into thin air.

"Tch." I turn around to see Sasuke and Naruto passed out while the pink headed girl cried.

I start walking up to her and punch her. "Stop crying you sound pathetic. Instead of wasting your time doing that, try to be more useful." I coldly say.

"You didn't have to hit me!" She groaned.

"Yes I did! Now pick Naruto up so we can take them somewhere safe." She gets up and picks Naruto up while I pick up Sasuke. At least she's strong enough to carry him. Maybe if she stopped whining all the time she could be a strong kunoichi.

We walk over to a small cave and lay them down. Their injuries aren't bad but Sasuke curse mark will hurt like a bitch. I quickly fully heal both of them while sakura started a fire.

"Let them rest for a bit. I'm leaving." I say with no emotion.

"Please don't! I won't be able to protect them both while they sleep!" She yells.

"Pathetic." I whisper loud enough for only me to hear.

I sit down next to Sasuke resting body. I'll stay till one of them wakes up atleast since this weakling can't do anything.

To Be Continued...

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