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~Y/n Point Of View~

After teleporting both of us into my hotel room, I put Sasuke down on the couch.

"You stupid Uchiha!" I yell at Sasuke as I start to heal his wounds.

"What." He reply's in a low tone.

"I told you to leave not fight him you idiot! You have no chance in beating Orochimaru at the level you are! Mostly with the damn curse mark he gave you!" I scold the Uchiha as he looks the other way not trying to face me.

"Hn." Is all he says.

"You're such an idiot." I say poking his wounded arm causing him to yelp.

"What was that for." He says glaring at me.

"For being such an idiot."

"Hn." He says looking away again.

After a few minutes of healing his wounds, I start to feel dizzy. Suddenly I remembered I was stabbed by Kabuto. It was a deep wound and I didn't stop the bleeding. I look down to see a puddle of blood under me.

Before I could react everything went black.

~Sasuke Point Of view~

I suddenly feel something fall onto my lap and fall off immediately. I turn around to see Y/n passed out on the floor. My eyes widen at her suddenly passing out. I look down to see a puddle of blood, while getting up I scan her body to know where her injury is.

"And she calls me an idiot." I mumble as I quickly pick her up and lay her on the bed. I pull down her thigh highs to get a better look at her injury then I look for some bandages. When I find some I wrap them around her thigh as gently as I could.

Once I was finished, I looked for some cleaning supplies to clean up the puddle of blood. It didn't take long to find since it wasn't a big room.

The blood was hard to get off but once I finished, I put everything up and went to check on Y/n.

"I should have changed her atleast..." I say as I look at the blood on her shirt and skirt. I scan the room to find anything to change her into, I spot my hoodie and grab it.

It felt weird taking off her shirt but it had to be done. I kept my eyes from looking anywhere I wasn't supposed to and put my hoodie on her. My hoodie was big enough to cover her lower body so i quickly took of her skirt and pulled down the hoodie.

Once I was finished with everything, I decided to lay down on the couch till she wakes up. But before I knew it, I fell asleep from exhaustion.

~Kakashi Point Of View~

"So Y/n has some sort of connection with Orochimaru... I should report this to the hokage, as well as the fight that happened an hour ago. Hopefully Sasukes alright." I think to myself as I head towards the hokages office.

Since i've been spying on Y/n, i've had to report everything she does when she falls asleep but that is very difficult since she never sleeps, but since she just passed out it's my chance to give a report to the hokage.

~Y/n Point Of View~

"Hurry up and try it!" The snake shouts.

"I don't want to!! Please don't make me!" The little girl yells back as tears come out of her eyes.

"Do it now or i'll hurt you more then their recap!" He yells.

The little girl looks down at the person she's supposed to use her Kekkei Genkai on. The only thing she could hope for was that they didn't have a terrible past. That was the only thing she didn't want but deep down she knew that wouldn't be the case since they're here.

She slowly closes her eyes and focus chakra into them. When she opens them, she looks into the persons eyes and starts watching and feeling how their life went.

Sudden cry's off pain echo through out the dark hallways of the hideout. The snake just watched in pleasure as his assistant writes everything down in a small notebook.

The only thing you could hear was the little girls cry's and shouts. After a final loud unforgettable yell she passes out from the pain and exhaustion.

I suddenly wake up panting from the memory. After trying to figure out what happened, I look at my wound.

"Damnit this is why I should have token care of it first." I mumble to myself. Passing out was the same as sleeping, still getting nightmares either way. If I could prevent myself from passing out, I do, in order to avoid that.

I look down at myself to see i'm wearing Sasukes hoodie. The only person who you can think of doing that was Sasuke, instead of being mad or ticked off, I was grateful he at least changed me.

While looking around the room I spot someone sleeping on the couch. I tried blinking a few times to try to see better and once i do, I notice it's the Uchiha. I groan at the thought of having to deal with him later...

To Be Continued...

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