~Back at the Hotel~

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~Y/n Point Of View~

While i was walking the opposite direction from the Uchiha, I hear him yell out. I looked back to see what he wanted. "What" I say in my normal cold tone.

He starts walking over to me. I don't know what to expect but i'm getting nervous. "I'll walk you home." He looks away to try and cover his light pink cheeks.

I smirk. "Ya know, I'm starting to think you really do care about me, Uchiha." I don't know why but i like to tease him to see him all flustered.

This time he didn't get flustered. He walked closer to me. Our faces where centimeters apart, i could feel myself heat up. Butterflies started forming in my stomach while he looked deep into my eyes. He smirks. He backs away and starts walking the direction i was heading to. I was still in shock by how close he was. Looking into his dull onyx eyes felt scary. Not in that way but in a way where my heart was beating fast.

"Hurry up y/n." I looked back to see the Uchiha staring at me. I'm glad he called me before i could continue my thoughts.

I start walking towards the hotel while the Uchiha walked closely behind me. I need to stay away from him. He's starting to grow on me which means he'll be a distraction. I can't have that! I refuse to have any other feeling inside of me. Having relationships with anyone will make me weak. It's pointless! They'll just use me and once they don't need me anymore they'll throw me away. I must get rid of any feeling towards this Uchiha.

After a while of walking, we finally made it. "Is this where you're staying?" He says. Without turning around i reply with "Mhm".

"I'll be leaving then." He says while walking away. Without looking back, i walk into the hotel and head towards Gaara's room.

I get there and i walk in without knocking. Gaara was laying down on his bed. I closed the door behind me and walk closer to Gaara. He was crying and moving around a bit. I felt my heart ache. He reminded me of myself when i'd sleep. Even though i didn't want to get close to him, i decided to comfort him in his sleep just for today. It must be tiring not getting any good sleep.

I lift up the sheets and climb into bed with him. I gently moved his body ontop of mine. I wrapped my arm around him while the other started playing with his hair. His hair was softer then i'd expected. It felt nice on my hand as it brushed on it.

I notice that he starts to calm down. He wasn't crying anymore and his face expression looked peaceful. I guess my presence helped him out. I'm glad he gets to sleep peacefully for who knows how long it's been.

He was making me curious on why he's like this. I wanted to use my clans kekkei genkai which allowed me to see a recap of the persons life up until the present while they relive it as well. The only downfall of it was that i'd experience all of their physical and mental pain while having the recap of their life. It didn't even have to be pain, it could be other physical or mental feelings. But when Orochimaru wanted me to test it, i would always end up exhausted. Switching people life up was the hardest but he'd still force me to do it. I might be better at it now since the last time i used it was when i was 6. I use to refuse to use it since i'd get traumatized of the things i'd see and feel.

I snap out of my thought by Gaara shifting his head to face the other way. I started staring at his facial features while still being curious on why he's like this. I guess i shouldn't do it since it's not my business. I wouldn't want anyone to do it to me thats for sure.

I looked up to see it was already dawn. I looked at Gaara and decided it was best to let him sleep longer even if i wanted to go train. I tightened my grip on his body and got comfortable while my other had was still gently playing with his hair. His head was now resting closer to my chest. I hope he doesn't mind his head being there but i wanted to be comfortable to. My back was starting to hurt from sitting up.

While letting Gaara sleep, my mind some how found a way to think about the Uchiha. I realize that i'm still wearing his hoodie. Good thing i didn't get to wet last night.

I should probably return his hoodie at some point. For now though i'm going to keep it. Maybe i'll give it back once he can beat me in a fight. I'm looking forward to that day.

-Time Skip-

~Gaara Point Of View~

As i was beginning to wake up, i felt warm and comfortable. Something i haven't felt in a while. It's been so long since i've had a goodnight sleep. I wonder why. Suddenly i notice someone's hand around me while the other has playing with my hair.

I quickly jump up in shock to see y/n. I start to blush at what i'm seeing. "Oh you're awake." That is all she says as she gets out of bed.

"Why.." I sat on the bed waiting for a response.

"Because... when i came back last night, you were crying in your sleep. I wanted to comfort you so i got into bed with you and cuddled you. It seem to work." Those words had me in shock. Why did she care? Did she just pity me? No one has ever done that to me so why so sudden.

"Why would you care.?"

"I don't. I just know how it feels not to have a goodnights sleep in a while so i was being kind enough to let you have one for once."

"Well thank you i guess, it was nice to be able to sleep peacefully." Right after i said that i got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving y/n by herself. I wanted to think about what happened.

To Be Continued...

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