~Panic Attack~

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"Oi Sasuke are you awake?!" I hear someone yell from a distance.

"He's unconscious." I say as I try getting up from where I was.

"I'll take him to the hospital!" Sakura says standing next to Naruto.

"But sakura are you sure you should be moving a lot.?" Naruto ask, I stand up ready to leave in order to catch up to the snake.

I took a quick glance behing me and saw sasukes unconscious body. I felt a little guilt leaving him there since he did help me back there but was that the real reason, either way I picked his up without warning Naruto and Sakura who were trying to decide what to do.

"HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TAKING HIM?!?" I hear pinky yell from behind me.

"To the hospital." I sternly say.

"I can do it! We don't need your help!" She yells.

"I'm not helping you, i'm helping him." I respond before jumping into a tree and heading back to the village. I didn't know exactly where the hospital is so i'll have to keep an eye out in order to find it.

After a few minutes of passing by the damaged village and the chaos, I finally managed to find the hospital.

I was about to enter the hospital till I felt a hand placed on my shoulder, quickly jumping back in order to get away from the unknown person, I get ready to fight.

"Calm down its just me." I see the copy cat standing lazily infront of me.

"What do you want." I ask coldly a little upset from him sneaking up on me.

"You're holding my student so I came to see if he's alright."

"Nothing to serious, couple of scars here and there and lost consciousness from lack of chakra." I say looking down on Sasuke body. I start to observe his facial features, he looks so calm and at peace unlike when he's awake. After a few seconds, I look up again to see Kakashi staring.

"What." I say glaring at him.

"You care about him?" He asks.


"But you have a soft spot for him don't you." He states making me frown but it makes me question myself.

Do I?

No it couldn't be, i'm just returning the favor so I won't have to owe him anything.

"He doesn't. No one ever will. Now guide me inside or take him off my hands, I don't know how things work in there." I state, turning around to face the hospital again.

"Haven't you been to a hospital before, you are a ninja after all." He asks while walking up next to me.

"No." I quickly answer.

He nods and starts walking inside while I follow behind him. He talks to one of the nurses and then starts following her. I followed closely behind not wanting to be here. They lead up into a room and tell me to put Sasuke down on the bed.

Another nurse then came in with some needles making me panic. My breathing starts turning uneven and my body starts to feel weak.


That's all I could think of at the moment. All the experiments he's done to me started to come back all at once.

"Y/n are you okay? What's happening??" Kakashi says freaking out from the sudden actions while walking up to me.

"I...I....Orochi.... No...Out...I...need to...get out..." I stutter out not making any sense.

"Calm down." He says picking me up and jumping out the window to get out of there. He carried me to a near by lake and sets me down as I try to catch my breath.

"Are you alrig-" He tried to speak before being cut off.

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone or be quiet!" I yell still breathing fast and him obeying.

After a few minutes of calming myself down, I sit up straight and look over to Kakashi, who's still here, waiting patiently for me to calm down. I was taken back by the fact that he stayed here.

"Are you okay now?" He says looking up from his pervy book.

"Why. Why are you still here?"  I glare at him waiting for an answer.

"To make sure you're okay. Now you want to tell me what that was about?" He says putting his book down.

"It none of your business. Why do you want to know. Do you still need more information out of me after following me for several days." I boldly say making him widen his eyes in surprise.

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew but i didn't care."

"Then answer me. What's the deal with you and orochimaru?" He sternly asks.

"Like I said it's none of your business." I sigh.

"Well it seems i'm not getting any answers out of you. But answer me this. Your response to this question will decide if I should have you imprisoned or let you go." He seriously asks.

"What." I say looking at him with curiosity.

"Are you allied with Orochimaru?" He asks.

"No. It's the opposite. I want him dead." I coldly say making him nod and turn around.

"Alright, you should head back to where your staying at. Also just to let you know, the 3th hokage is dead, he was killed by Orochimaru but he managed to weaken him by making sure he'll not be able to use his hands." He says making me jumps up in surprise.

"Shit." I mumble.

"Yeah thought i'll let you know."

"That's not good." I whisper to myself.

"What isn't?" He asks.

"Nothing I need to go." I say before jumping away towards my hotel room.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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