Chapter 1 - Prologue

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*Ring ding* The door makes as 2 people walk outside of a market store with good payed sales on their hands. 

?: "Master Saitama, we're lucky to make it on time for those sales after the monster attack in City D"

Saitama: "Yea we sure are, I mean look at the meat they sold for almost 250 yen! Not only was it for 250 yen, but its the best meat they ever even sold there! Best sales I've ever had of all this month! Don't you agree Genos?"

Genos: "Right!"

Saitama and Genos happily walk home. (Especially Saitama pleased with their purchases and Genos his Disciple pleased seeing his master in a happy mood.) In another 'place' students were unpleased due to it being early in the morning. Their teacher with black hair, tired eyes, and with a white scarf, was gonna inform them that they were going against a class in particular.

"Today's training you'll be going against Class 1-B in Ground Gamma-" As he was about to finish, Class 1-A started to get pumped about going against Class 1-B, with all having their faces brimming with excitement. They went up and decided to chat with their fellow classmates. The teacher sighed, and told them they had 10 minutes to be in the changing rooms, otherwise they would not be able to participate.

"Hell yea! I'm so pumped!" Said a spike red hair. "Isn't it gonna be cold tho Kirishima...?" Said another with yellow lighting hair replying to the red hair making him unsure of his hero costume. "But it hasn't snoooowwweddd...~" An yellow antler girl said. "I've heard it was gonna be around 48-60F today, so it shouldn't be that bad!" Added a excited grinning student. "Psh, this is gonna be easy, its gonna be like kids play!" Spouted a hot blooded spikey hair.
"Well easy for you to say..." Muttered the lighting haired. "WHAT DID YOU SAY SPARKY?" Shouted the hot blooded. "EEK NOTHING BAKUGOU!!" As the lighting hair eeked, the red hair came and put his hand on Bakugou's shoulders. "Cmon man! Don't be so rude to Kaminari, Bakubro!" 

As the five continued to chat, at the other side of the room, 4 people had their own thoughts and expressing it with near them. "Well this is gonna be pretty exciting, to see if we either improved or not!" Exclaimed a blue hair, glasses boy. Near him a green hair and a bubbly girl nodded in agreement. "But Mr Aizawa has't exactly specified on how we're gonna go against Class 1-B, but I'm sure that we'll get to know sooner or later." Added a white and red hair. The four of them started to wonder, but before their heads would go into thought, the blue hair reminded them, that they should go ahead and get into their costumes. And he went ahead to remind everyone else in class as well. "Alright 1-A, as class president, I think it should be best to go and change into our hero costumes. Its best not to make Class 1-B stall if their already ready!" Yelled the glasses, and everyone agreed, someone with a bird head, decided to add; "Best not to be rude, if they are already waiting for us." 
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*Cooking noises and a good smell coming from the kitchen, while Saitama is watching the TV*

Man it smells good...really good..! I wonder what Genos is cooking today.... Before Saitama could wonder what his disciple was cooking, a sound of an explosion happened right outside their apartment! "Master! Don't worry I'll check out what happened, you should eat while I check it out!" Genos tries to take the initiative so his Master would relax, but Saitama tells him that he's coming with him. Saitama being curious of what it is that had caused the explosion, but also wanting to know the damage that it has done, hopefully not affecting his apartment. As they get ready to check, Genos had discovered something odd. "Wait. Master, I sense something bad from that explosion. My sensors are telling me to not go near. Even tho-" Genos started to drop a lot of sweat drops, eventually falling to the ground. Saitama noticing this, heads to Genos's aid. "Genos! Whats wrong? Are you ok?!" Trying to help and comfort him to stand, the floor of the apartment started to break. Saitama failing to notice due to being worried over Genos, Genos tries to notify him; "MASTER! WATCH OUT FROM BELOW!-" As soon as Genos notified his master, it was already too late. The floor was vibrating colors of blue and purple of all sorts, sucking Saitama and Genos in.   

A/N : (Woah, way to end the cliff hanger, me.) But anyways its almost midnight for me, and it is about 48F outside brr. I'll continue this as soon as I have motivation/ideas (most likely tomorrow). I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter and I hoped my "writing a story skills" weren't as bad. Sorry for any bad grammar in advance! Have a nice rest of your Thursday-Friday!

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