Once again in the OPM world... - Chapter 8

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The last time I edited this story in general was like back in May of this year (2023), and this chapter was made back in like... June of 2021 (2 years ago) but I never had the chance to do it because of... personal mental stuff and reasons 🙂

And a lot has happened then since 2 years ago...soo....

I'll try my best to at least put out a chapter every... uh... once in a while? 😅

(sorry 😔)

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.-_..-Beep-Boop.-_..-contacting....contacting....I'm sorry the person you were trying to call has not setup a voice box yet—_.-_.. *Click*

"Where the heck could King and Demon Cyborg be??? We've been calling them for the past 18 minutes and neither has picked up yet! We couldn't have just lost our 2 S-Class hero's in a span of a under half an hour!"

Before a high representative of the Hero Association could add on to his rant as the others around him listen. A distant phone call behind them was ringing.

*Ring ring... Ring ring...*

"Ah! Finally that must be one of them calling up! They were probably just busy and you were just being impatient." As the other representative next to him goes to pick up the phone expecting it be either King or Demon Cyborg, only to be met with some very important and serious information.

"You say what now?!?"

Everyone then turns their attention towards the other representative who was on the phone.

"Sitch, what's wrong? Tell us, speak!"

"There seems to be a massive situation in Z-City! Even worse it sounds like theirs a giant sink hole in that city! Send all the S-Class heroes in here now!"

Sitch then goes to the computer nearby and projects what's going on in Z-City. Most of the cameras they have placed go static.

"What on Earth is that?! Is this what you mean Sitch??"

"What level threat would you even consider this..???"

They all watch on screen as they see beautiful bright colors near a building crack into more cracks slowly. But it seems to be only affecting that one building, as the cracks seem to stop nearby on the ground. Only showing its bright glow for all who dare to get close.

"It seems to be stable and only looks like it's sticking on that one building. But still we can't be light on it- wait."

"What's on your mind Sitch?"

"It's just I remembered something, if I remember correctly doesn't Demon cyborg live in Z-City? He has said he lives with B-Class, Caped Baldy- Er- Saitama? It looks like-"

"That's where they live isn't?"

Everyone then stays silent.

Sitch can only think of the worst possibility for both:

'Don't tell me....'

'Did Demon Cyborg and Caped- no- Saitama get ambushed? If so, it could explain why Demon Cyborg isn't responding, but still-'

*Knock* *Knock*

Everyone looks towards the door awaiting for someone to come through. An old fragile looking man opens the door.

"What seems to be the situation? Sorry not all of us are here, some were busy with their own things." The old guy slyly similes to turn the mood away around the topic.

"You don't need to be sorry on their half Silver Fang, we understand that some have 'better' things to do." Sitch sighs in relief that at least some have come to aid. Another executive then butts in to get to the point of why they were summoned.

"Thank god your here heroes! We've been stressing about the whereabouts of Demon Cyborg, King, and Caped Baldy. We need your guys help to investigate the area of where Demon Cyborg & Caped Baldy might've gone missing. And as well as King if you find anything about his disappearance."As the executive says relaxed, he presses a replay button next to him.

They then show to the few hero's present at the meeting, the scene of what appears to be the apartment complex that Demon Cyborg lives. Where in which also lies Caped Baldy. Huge cosmic gooey cracks that take over the apartment complex and below.

'Genos, King, and even Saitama are missing? How could that be? I can guess they were probably together. But even so, there's no way either of those 3 could be ambushed, otherwise they would know.... Just what exactly happened to them?' Bang thought to himself, while standing behind him stood a young man that looks like he might pop a vessel from his head.

"I missed my sisters piano recital for this?!? What a joke, what can I even do? Fill out a 'missing person's report' ?! I'M OUT!"

As he turns away towards the exit, an executive walks up and quickly puts their hand on his shoulder. Preventing him from taking another step towards the exit.

"Metal bat, we need you for this. We know that there isn't even much that you can do, but your the only one of the few to be here and be of help to us. We just need some closer inspection of the place, a scout crew. The cameras won't last for long as you could see. We don't know how dangerous this small crack can be if we don't keep track of it. Who's to say it could slowly ingulf the rest of us? We need clues or anything, something, to figure out what caused this."


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[A/N]: I at least got one chapter in 😭

Let's see if i can do another before I go back to not focusing on hw 😗

Anyways- TYYY FOR READING (hopefully I can get another chapter out before the end of the year!!!)

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