Chapter 7 - Still Interacting

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{Another A/N} Hey y'all sorry I've kept you the readers waiting so long for an update. School has been rough, but I've been doing better these days.
I have decided to rewrite some parts of this story to make it better and go into a direction where I want it to head and perceive. BUT I plan to leave the old writing on a new page/chapter of the reading of all the previous chapters before them being changed, if you want to compare both types of writing. (2/4/23)

Please do enjoy as usual and ask me any questions or concerns if you'd like to and let me know what you think...!
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{ANOTHER A/N} Oh my god I'm so slow fr fr 😭
sorry y'all for my unsaid/unscheduled hiatus, I have been in a really mentally bad position in over these past few months like 2-3 months (maybe for much longer). And it has only started hitting me a lot this year. Bottling up years and years' worth of emotions sucks, and I wish I could just scream in a soundproof room but yea. As you can see, I've started to write more so I can make it a stable enjoyable hobby and get my mind out of the gutter it has been working for me so that's really good!
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Also, I've started to write again because I've been inspired by a friend of mine who makes really good stories on here on Wattpad, I highly recommend that you check them out too!!! Flareongirl360  <--- CHECK THEM OUT!!!! :D

I also highly recommend reading their newest works:
"DesertDuo and BoatBoys play card games!"

And one of their popularist works!!!:
"Wrong number you child (Angel's duo)!"

They have many types of stories, crossovers, and original ideas to fit your interests if you want something fresh and new!! Ranging from anime's like Yugio to books like Warrior Cats and to Minecraft youtubers like Tubbo! And so much more! CHECK THEM OUT!!! :D


Also: {word} = inside someone's mind/thoughts or just narration

So please without further ado, enjoy!!
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"What are Quirks?" Saitama asked.


"...Well, this makes things easier to explain I guess...." Nezu Murmured a bit out loud. "Looks like you lot are going to be here for a while...." Nezu says.

"What makes you say that? Shouldn't City-Z be nearby?" Genos asks confusingly. Nezu looked just as confused as the 3 of them.

As they kept starring at each other in confusion, Genos thought for a moment and connected the dots after briefly thinking.

Genos: {If he doesn't know who or what the Hero Association is, or of the mention of City-Z... hmm.... As well as the fact that I can't contact Dr. Kuseno as soon as I would want to, due to the very poor to nonexistent reception...... I see.}


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