Chapter 3 - Surroundings

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[A/N] Sorry for not doing as much chapters this past weeks, grrr homework >:( 
After this chapter there's a possibility that another chapter might come out today depending on my mood/stress level, so do be prepared for that! Anyways enjoy :D! (I've decided to take some inspiration from other Stories I've read on this platform!!)

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As Genos and Saitama reach the exit, they hear foot steps nearby, well mostly Genos. "Wait, Master...." Genos slows down and stops, making Saitama stop in his tracks as well. 

"Is something wrong Genos?" Saitama asks

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"Is something wrong Genos?" Saitama asks. Genos being unsure on how to respond; 'I hear foot steps of figures, many of them. Could they be monsters or people? Either way...Should I deal with them or should I tell Master....' As soon as he was gonna think some more, the foot steps sounded more distant, as if they were walking away from them. Kinda relieving Genos a bit. "Oh uh, nothings wrong just a little bit of a bug with my analysis, Master. Anyways lets continue." Saitama being a bit confused; Sometimes I don't get him, but its whatever I guess. As they walk outside the USJ, then they hear someone yelling out peoples name for some reason, at an area with a lot of metal pipes for another strange reason. So they decided to head there and see what the big deal was with all of the random spouting names, but Genos still a bit hesitant and on guard.

Meanwhile on the other side of the school, Ryo Inui a Hound dog quirk holder and a "Lifestyle guidance counselor" was informed of the 2 Intruders, as well with his colleague Ectoplasm. "Well, best to not cause a ruckus or make everyone in the school panic." Ectoplasm commented. 
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"Now that everyone's here, lets get going with today's schedule." Spoke out someone with red and white all over. "Me and Vlad will be going over the rules for today's practice against our classes." As Aizawa loudly says Vlad added on. "And we have a special guest joining us for today's clash!" Vlad says. "So don't make a fool of yourself's." Retorted Aizawa. Students begin to ask who it is and wonder if they were a potential hero candidate from another class. Then a purple hair guy comes from behind the teachers, seeming tired. "Shinso will be joining us for today. He's hoping to transfer to the hero course. Mind introducing yourself Shinso?" Aizawa requests. A lot of surprised gasps from the students. "Its Hitoshi Shinso, from Class C of general studies." 

"You guys are obstacles that I must over come

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"You guys are obstacles that I must over come. I have no intention of making friends here on my journey to become a hero." Shinso added.
When Shinso finishes his presentation Vlad begins to explain the training, where the 2 classes go head-to-head in teams of 4 to battle it out. However theres 41 of them in total since Shinso has joined them, someone that looked like big foot points out. But Vlad clears this up by stating that Shinso will participate in 2 battles one each side of the classes. Then someone that was invisible, comments that the one team will have 4 while the other had 5. Which causes Vlad to clear this up as well, saying that  Shinso has little to no battle experience will prove as a magnanimous tasks in itself. Vlad goes on to explain that, the team to capture 4 members of the opposing team will win. 
"Shinso's gonna be a deadweight! Ugh!" Bakugou complains, Kaminari reporaches for his comment but Shinso agrees with Bakugou. 

Now after all that, it was time to form teams by lottery! 

Team 1: 1-B: Shiozaki, Shishida, Rin, & Tsuburaba VS 1-A: Kirishima, Kaminari, Kouda, & TsuyuTeam 2: 1-B: Komori, Kendo, Kuroiro, & Fukidashi VS 1-A: Tokoyami, Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, & AoyamaTeam 3: 1-B: Tsunotori, Honenuki, Kaibara, & Tetsutetsu VS...

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Team 1: 1-B: Shiozaki, Shishida, Rin, & Tsuburaba VS 1-A: Kirishima, Kaminari, Kouda, & Tsuyu

Team 2: 1-B: Komori, Kendo, Kuroiro, & Fukidashi VS 1-A: Tokoyami, Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, & Aoyama

Team 3: 1-B: Tsunotori, Honenuki, Kaibara, & Tetsutetsu VS Ojiro, Todoroki, Shouji, & Iida

Team 4: 1-B: Kamakiri, Tokage, Awase, & Bondo VS 1-A: Satou, Sero, Jirou, & Bakugou

Team 5: 1-B: Monoma, Kodai, Shoda, & Yanagi VS Mineta, Ashido, Uraraka, & Midoriya

After all the teams were announced, it was time for Shinso to draw out of each of the boxes. 

Now he was in Team 1: 1-A (aka Kirishimas team), and Team 5: 1-B (aka Monoma's team)

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Now he was in Team 1: 1-A (aka Kirishimas team), and Team 5: 1-B (aka Monoma's team). "Thank you for having me." Shinso says to Kirishimas team, and Kirishima's team is happy to have him for Monoma's team.... "Thank you for having me." Shinso says to Monoma's team, and Monoma's very happy, while the others just tell Shinso to not mind Monoma much. Now the Training  was about to begin! Midnight and All might appear on time to see these classes clash, eager for what to happen! Although All Might felt something coming their way, something big...but which he brushed off and assumed it was just Ryo and Ectoplasm doing their job.

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As Ryo and Ectoplasm make it to the USJ, all they see are that the doors to the USJ are open, wide open

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As Ryo and Ectoplasm make it to the USJ, all they see are that the doors to the USJ are open, wide open. They were too late. "DAMMIT!! WHERE DID THOSE TWO GO! UGH!!" Ranted Ryo. "Ryo can you find the scent of the intruders?" Asked Ectoplasm. Ryo looks around the entrance of the USJ and finds 3-4 foot prints of the intruders on the ground. So he sniffs the ground and seems to have an idea of their smell and a idea on where they went. So Ryo tells Ectoplasm, and Ectoplasm realizes that their heading for Ground Gamma, where Class 1-A & Class 1-B are clashing for the day.

[A/N PT 2] WHOA 1030 WORDS??? Anyways that's-that for this chapter, I hope you like the images I provided to give an idea of whats going on or smth like that. I hope you also enjoyed! Sorry for any bad grammar in advance!

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