In OPM World.. - Chapter 4

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[A/N] I never knew reading Fanfiction can really take alot of your time....Anyways enjoy today's chapter! 


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'Saitama said he would be here to play some games today at my place....But now that I think about it, he hasn't answered my call in the last 5 mins. Did something happen or...?' A man thought that looked like he was in his late 20's, in a blue sweater, yet he still played anime dating games..? (What a loner.)

'Whateve's I guess, I'll just come over to his place to play, if he's that lazy

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'Whateve's I guess, I'll just come over to his place to play, if he's that lazy.' He was a little hesitant when he got ready to head to Saitama's place, knowing that Genos will be there, but then remembers the last he came over to game with Saitama, and Genos asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner when he was about to leave. Which he accepted (since he was hungry at the time) and once he ate Genos'es food, it felt like he had just tasted heaven. Plus on the bright side Genos was honestly a pretty kind and chill dude when he wasn't dong his hero duties or being serious. Good thing Saitama introduced the both to each other. (Otherwise rip the dude.)                                                                                                                          So he got his Mask, Glasses, and Hat ready to go. Into Z-City he headed. 

On his way walking to the nearest train station, a threat level wolf monster appeared in-front of him and other civilians! The monster had orange fur all around besides the yellow strips around the monster's body

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On his way walking to the nearest train station, a threat level wolf monster appeared in-front of him and other civilians! The monster had orange fur all around besides the yellow strips around the monster's body. He had a horn in front of his face, with a really dumb but evil, looking face.

 He had a horn in front of his face, with a really dumb but evil, looking face

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'Ge my lucky day.' The man thought as he turned to run away but falls and fails sadly. He gets up only to realize his disguise was off his face revealing who he was.  The monster tries to attack the person on the ground with them facing away from them, only to realize that he messed with the wrong person at the wrong time, once the persons face turned towards the monster. It was the S-Class hero, Rank 7; King. And he heard the KING ENGINE roar. It roared at the monster with fear, anxiety, and uneasiness. 

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"OMG-G KI-INGG!!???!" The monster now panicking and standing there, felt like he was getting sucked

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"OMG-G KI-INGG!!???!" The monster now panicking and standing there, felt like he was getting sucked. Or sinking at where he was standing there. The citizens who were supposedly running away, turn back because now king was there to protect them! "OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS HIM! ITS KING!" Said one citizen, "YEA! KING'S GOT THIS IN THE BAG!" Said another. The crowd around King and the Monster, started to grow and cheer out; "King! King! King!" Which then the monster starts to beg for his life from King. Which the crowd starts to pick on the monster. And that was Kings chance to get out of there and go to the train station without anyone noticing. Which made some citizens bummed once, they realized King was gone.

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After 10 mins pass by, King makes it to Z-City, well the abandoned area of it. Once seeing Saitama's apartment in distance, he saw some big cracks on the side of the building, but thought nothing of it really, and shoved it off his shoulder as the building was old. But in reality on the other side of the apartment where King was walking, there was a huge disaster. Once King got to Saitama's door, he went ahead and knocked. *Silence* 'Huh? Thats strange...should've Genos open the door by now?' King knocked again and nothing happened. King became a bit worried now and decided to call Saitama again. A bit of distanced ringing from inside the apartment, but King could barely hear it. King then decided to call Genos. No response. King now panicking 'where could've Genos and Saitama have gone?'  So now his last resort was to open the door. He was hesitant, because he would basically be entering without permission, but then yet again if Saitama were here then why the heck hasn't Genos come over to open the door!?!? Once King opened the door, he soon later regretted it.

[A/N] I CANT STOP LAUGHING AT THE DUMB MONSTER PIC HAHAHAHIDASODArweoeio- UHEM-, anyways I hope you enjoyed todays chapter! ((Tbh the idea from todays chapter was like a check up on the OPM world (since I havent seen others do this much or at all) Im thinking of adding more charaters later in the story! So be prepared for epicness B) ))

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