Chapter 6 - Interacting

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[A/N] Hey, sorry for not uploading chapters much. I've be a bit stressed out on Homework and Sports, so it made me almost forgot about this (Thank god I didn't). I'm probs gonna rest for a bit to even the stress. Anyways I hope you enjoy as always!

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As the 3 of them walk to the building with Principal Nezu, they look around the area in awe; The pathway they were going, the decorations on the pathway, and mostly the building itself. It was colorful and glossy like due to the windows. Unlike the H.A. it wasn't as colorful and there was no windows. The building was also pretty tall, but not as tall as the H.A. buildings, although it was as thick as them. After a bit of walking they make it to the school and into it building. While walking to Nezu's Office; "So, what do you guys do here?" Saitama asked curiously. "We are the #1 High school for Heroics in Japan. We teach students to better themselves academically and Hero-like." Just as Genos was gonna ask a question himself, they made it to the front of Nezu's office. "Come on in! Make yourself's comfortable!" Nezu points to 3 chairs infront of them with one chair on the other side between them. They all sit down: Genos on the right, Saitama in the left, & King decides to move his chair behind them both. Nezu goes to sit on his chair and asks: "Well before we start talking, again my name is Nezu and your guys names are...?" "I'm Saitama also known as Caped Baldy, Class B Rank 7. But I'd prefer Saitama, so please call me Saitama."-"I'm Genos, My hero name is Demon Cyborg, Class S Rank 14."-"I'm King. Class S Rank 7." Genos adds on; " Were all from the Hero Association." Nezu processes what they have said.

~~~~~~While at the same time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all head back to class after Nezu came by to stop the mess from earlier at Ground Gamma. And that mess was the talk of Classes 1-A And 1-B, but mostly 1-A.

Like ones about the Cyborg:
"That Cyborg from earlier has the same eyes as you Mina! Isn't that cool!"- "Plus that Cyborg was handsome! Like handsome, handsome! Even more handsome than the boys here!~"-"Do you think he's taken?"-"He looked serious, like he was gonna burn everyone alive...."-"STILL HOT!!~"

And ones about the guy that had an uneasy Aura:
"He seemed like he would beat us, without even needing to beat us up...."-"He looked way more serious than the cyborg...."-"He looks like he's on a secret mission dude! And we wouldn't even tell the difference, because of his clothes he looked like a normal citizen!"-"He looked calm and the aura went away when the bald dude and the cyborg came up to him...I wonder why?"

And lastly the Caped Baldy:
"I BET HIS HERO NAME IS CAPED BALDY, PAHAHA!"-"He looked like he was bored with his dead fish eyes."-"I agree. It looked like he doesn't have much expressions and he just didn't care...."-"He looks lame too, with his clothes."-"Probably bought it in some garage sale for 4 bucks! PAhHhaa!"-"Did you hear that the cyborg called him 'Master'?"-"No, I don't think so. But if he called him 'Master' doesn't that mean-"

'Izuku had many thoughts about the Bald dude: How was he that fast to come and save me? How strong was he to stop my black whips? Whats his quirk?'

Before anyone could talk more they notice Aizawa opening the door. As Aizawa enters the room, everyone went to there seats and began there daily class lessons.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to them~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After they have said their names, Nezu took a moment to process what they have just said. "What about your Last names? I didn't hear those." Saitama, Genos, and King all look at each other, not knowing what to say. And Nezu grew even more confused as he looked at them, 'do none of them have last names??' But then he only even grew even more confused once he searched up 'The Hero association'. There was no search results. Now he was super confused. What they have said seemed genuine, but why was there no results?!?!? But he had something in mind that might settle things and confirm his 2 suspicions. "Do you know what quirks are?"


Then; "What are quirks?" And thus this confirmed one of his suspicions for Nezu. That they were not from here.
[A/N] Hello! Yea uh, sorry for not uploading, the homework load they gave me was stressful ughhh. But anyways I hope you enjoyed as always!

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