Chapter 2 - Crash Landing

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Saitama, late to react; "Genos! hold on!" Genos holds on to his master's arm, knowing that there was no escape from this. But Saitama tries to jump his way out of the portal with Genos, but there was no floor to impact off of. As they go through the colors of blue and purple, they see concrete on the ground. As they landed aside one another, Genos analysis the surroundings around them. 

Genos: "Master, it seems like we have landed in a training-like area. Although it seems it has been abandoned for quite some time by the looks of it."

Saitama: "Oh." Looks around and notices a dome around the whole training area. "Anyways, is there an exit nearby in this dome thingy?"

Genos: "If I'm not mistaken, there should be exit right ahead from where we are Master."

Saitama: "Which direction? I wanna get home and eat already...I'm starving!" 

As they walk, and towards to leaving this dome-training area, someone who has took note of this. "I better tell Principal Nezu about this!" As a blue vested security guy heads to Nezu's Office, Nezu on the other hand was having a chit-chat with himself about how the school was doing good and how he should do more to improve it even better. Creaakk- BLONK  "PRINCIPAL NEZU, 2 UNKNOWN PEOPLE HAVE ENTERED THE USJ BY SOME PORTAL THAT- *catches breathe* se-EEMS SIMULAR TO KURUGIRIS-s!" Catching his breathe, Principal Nezu shocked by this was about to counter this 'attack'- "BUT THEY SEEM LIKE HEROES..!" Nezu now confused, asked; "What do you mean by that Michael?" as confused as the security officer Michael was; "Well-l, uh from what I've-e seen, is that one wears a white cape with a basic hero suit. While-e the other seems to be a cyborg." Nezu surprised by this, thinks of a way that hopefully wouldn't go wrong. "Tell Ryo to head there, and ask them to come to my office. Hopefully Ryo will make it in time before they leave the USJ. I don't wanna disturb classes or cause a panic in that case. And especially Classes 1-A and 1-B's clashes in Ground Gamma. The least I want for them is to get in harms way." Michael now worried was gonna ask but; "We may not know these individuals quirks, so we do have to be cautious about that. And it's possible they might be villians disguised as heroes, but for the time being its best to assume their on our side."
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"MAN! I can't wait to fight Class 1-B!" Yelled Kirishima in excitement. "Good thing my hero outfit has a jacket with it! And its a cool one!" Kaminari happily said when all of a sudden that was brought down quick; "And you just realize that now Kaminari?! Wow, and you're more stupider than I thought Ha!" A purple hair girl with red paint on her face replied. "Aw cmon Jirou! I'm not that stupid!" Retorted Kaminari.

As Class 1-A head over to Ground Gamma where Mr Aizawa and Class 1-B is waiting, they pass by the USJ and remember the villians attacking them on that day. But then out of now where, a student with duplicate arm, pauses concerning his nearby fellow classmates. "Hey whats wrong Shoji, did something happen?" Asked a Bird headed student. Shojis ear and mouth appear out on his right side. "I think I hear something from inside the USJ might just be the animals living in there..." Confusing his fellow classmates; "Its probably nothing then. We have a lot ahead of us anyways, so shall we get going Shoji?" Spoke out the Glasses. "Yea, you're right, its probably just nothing...." But Shoji wasn't exactly on board with that, but he had to get ready for today so he shook it off his head and moved on to heading to Ground Gamma with his classmates. But deep inside him Shoji knew, something wasn't right inside the USJ.

A/N: Wow, took me awhile I guess. But Eh, its whatever. Anyways I hope you enjoyed todays Chapter and I know its shorter than yesterdays, but you'know school and such etc. Again I hoped you enjoyed todays chapter. (Also sorry in Advance for any grammer mistakes!)

A/N 2: God its cold brr, but apparently its gonna snow next week so thats cool! B)

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