Chapter 31

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Raven P.O.V
I woke up to banging on my door. I sit up and look around, I must have fallen asleep in the living room again.

I slowly walk over to the door and open it to see Salem and Selena.

"Yeah?"I rubbed my eye.

"What do you mean yeah? You haven't heard the news yet?"I shake my head and yawned. He pushed past me and walked inside as so did Selena. "Position Battles"I rolled my eyes back, for fucks sake this stupid contest again.

"You've entered right? Since you're part of the powerful witch thing"I nod. "How have you won 5 years in a row without any control of your powers?"Selena sat down on the arm of the couch.

"Back then I could only control the smallest bit and that smallest bit was all I needed to win"Selena whispered something about being born powerful. "Are any of you going to compete?"

"I was thinking about it"Selena turned to him with furrowed eyebrows.


"It's just a thought idiot..I want to get Veronica's attention"He blushed, me and Selena look at each other then back at him.

"Simp"Selena said as he insulted her resulting in them arguing.

I stand up and go to close the window I left open last night. I look around for Moon and Light but they weren't in the living room.

"Moon?"I looked inside my room but they weren't there. "Light?"I went into the Kitchen but nothing. My heart started to beat, they weren't in the dorm.

What if they jumped out the window?! I quickly ran to it but no sign of them.

"What are you looking for?"Selena asked.

"My fucking cats!"I said in panic running around the dorm rechecking every room.

Salem flew out the window to see if they were outside and Selena went to check the dorms above us and I went to check the ones below us.

I ran down the stairs not caring to take the elevator. I searched every floor avoiding the 3rd. When I reacted the lobby, my anxiety got worse, what if they got kidnapped?!

Without control I flew up and stood on the 3rd floor.

Just as I was about to leave I heard a small meow, I quickly dashed across the hall and towards the sound. The door to the dorm was open and my eyes landed on my two cats being petted by Starfire and Cyborg.

Moon looked at me and meowed.

"Thank god"I fell back on the floor.

"Friend Raven!"Starfire ran towards me with the others that I didn't bother to recognise. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah..I swear those cats are going to give me a heart attack one day"I put my hand on my chest as Starfire giggled.

Moon jumped onto my stomach and looked at me.

"No more treats for a week"She started to meow dramatically, I looked over to Light. "That counts for you too"Light laid down on the floor and meowed quietly.

I look up and lock eyes with Beastboy, I look away and pick up Moon and stand up.

"Sorry if they disturbed you"I said turning to Starfire who stood up.

"Oh no! They were quite fun to play with them"I nod and glance at Beastboy who was staring at me, I quickly look away.

Shit he saw me!

I turn to the pink haired girl.

"Uh..thanks for last night"I said looking away.

"No problem"She said with a fake smile, I looked into her eyes and went into her mind.

She should be bowing down to me, so ungrateful.

What a little bitch.

I turn to Light who jumped on Cyborg's head.

"Let's go"I ordered but the cat just turned the other way. Starfire and Robin chuckled at the cat. "Really?"

I lifted Moon higher as she jumped onto my shoulder.

"Azarth Metrion Zinthos"I whispered as my hand was engulfed with black magic.

The magic surrounded Light, I moved my hand forward as she levitated over to me.

"Wow"Cyborg said.

"Sorry again"I said looking at Cyborg.

"Mistress!"I look outside the door as Selena ran over to me. "Oh you found them"She panted. "Um..hi"Selena said awkwardly.

"I don't think we have introduced ourselves"Robin said, something was telling me he had something up his sleeve.

"I'm Selena"The others introduced themselves, she turns to me."We have to return, Salem said we have to train you for the-"I put my other hand over her mouth.

"Raven what are you planning?"Beastboy asked, the tension in the room thickened as I turned around to face him.

"It's none of your concern"I glared as he surprisingly glared back. "Kill him"Selena whispered into my ear.

"Let's calm down"Robin walked between us, I looked the other way.

"Friend Raven"I turn to Starfire. "May I observe your training?"I gulped as Selena's eyes widened. "I do not know how to master my powers fully so I thought since you can control yours, you could help me"

"Pfft- like you could ever-"I hit Selena in the stomach with my elbow.

"I'm not sure, I don't want you to get bored or-"

"I assure you I will not!"Starfire grabbed both of my hands as my magic around Light disappeared but Robin caught her. I look back at Starfire.

So determined.

I was speculating inside my mind, I look at Selena who slowly shook her head at me signalling no.

"Alright"I said as she cheered.

"Can we come too?"Robin asked

This just keeps getting worse and worse, but if I don't let them they'll start asking fucking questions.

"Yeah"I mentally screamed.

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