Chapter 42

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Raven P.O.V
When the next day rolled by Selena would send me pictures of Gar and Lucky by every hour.

I don't know how she's getting them but sure enough she's giving me a reason to be suspicious.

While bored in class I saved some photos I wanted to confront Gar with.

Picture 1, 9:30 A M: Them running to school late together.

Picture 2, 10:00 AM: Both blushing in class sitting together.

Picture 3, 2:25 PM:Whispering something to each other before meeting up with me and Cyborg to go back to the dorms.

Picture 4, 3:00 PM: Beastboy texting someone while blushing and smiling.

While training Selena wouldn't shut up about them and kept reminding me of them to piss me off for ignoring her.

While flying back home I saw something glowing from above.

Something pink.

My curiosity got the best of me as I flew down and hid behind the campus building.

"Yeah! Just like that!"Gar and Lucky were practicing new spells. "Now you have to shape it into a sword"

"Azarth Metrion Zinthos"I whispered as black magic took over my body making me invisible.

I walked over to them and observed to get a closer look.

"I did it!"Lucky jumped with excitement as the sword disappeared.

She jumped into Gar's arms as he hugged her back.

I bit the inside of my cheek trying to restrain myself from unleashing a storm of magic.

"A few more times and it'll be perfect!"Gar grinned from ear to ear as they parted.

"Thank you again for helping me"Jinx blushed.

"No problem that's what friends are for"His phone ringed as it seemed to be an alarm. "I better go back before Raven gets mad, see ya"He ran around the building and then inside.

I teleported back into my dorm and undid my invisibility spell.

Gar bursted through my door, surprising me, he's faster then I thought.

"Going somewhere?"I tore my gaze away from him and shook my head before pulling down my hood and taking off my cloak.

I walked inside my room to change and just as I locked the door I heard a ping from my phone.


It was a picture of Gar and Lucky hugging earlier, I ignored it and changed into my pyjamas.

I heard a knock from the living room, I open my door and see Gar opening the door for Starfire. She wanted to have the cats over at her dorm for a few days.

Moon saw me and ran over to me, I kneeled down and petted her as she purred against my touch.

"I apologise if I took them for too long"Starfire laughed nervously, I shook my head.

"You came at the right time"I was restraining myself from yelling at him for the pictures.

Starfire left and it was just the 2 of us again.

"Raven you're being distant"So it's Raven now?

"I could say the same to you"I looked him straight in the eyes for a few seconds before closing my eyes and standing up. "It's getting late you should get back to Cyborg and apologise"

"For what?"

"You've been hanging out with that pink haired girl for 5 days straight and left Cyborg without a proper reason"

"You're right! Shit! He might be mad! See you tomorrow!"He kissed my cheek and ran out.

My eyes opened as I released he kissed my cheek, I put my hand up to my cheek and touch the spot he kissed. My face burned up in embarrassment.

It's been a while since we've kissed, it feels like the first time all over agin.

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