The night before Hogwarts

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It's the night before the boys go back to Hogwarts for their 7th year (A/N- I don't remember if I chose what year they are in, so were gonna go with this one.) Draco was not the most excited but harry  just couldn't wait, he missed his friends but he still happy he got on good terms with Draco. 

At dinner that day Narcissa had the elf's cook Harry's favorite, no one talked that much through dinner except Narcissa who would talk about how her garden is looking so good, or how she is super excited for a party she was invited too next weekend. harry enjoyed listening to Narcissa talk, she has a soothing voice to him. After dinner Narcissa and Lucius went on a walk through the gardens as Harry and Draco went up to Draco's room

later that night Harry and Draco were laying side by side on Draco bed. They found out that Draco can turn back into a ferret anytime he wants but he doesn't do it very often as he doesn't like being a ferret that much, but Harry loves it. "Dray, were still gonna talk when we get to Hogwarts right?" 

"Of course, harry. I wouldn't stop it for the world. Maybe if I feel adventures I will sit with you at the Gryffindor table." Draco turns so he's looking at Harry, Harry does the same "all right dray" Harry kisses Draco's check then turns around to go to sleep "Night Harry" "Night Draco" Draco and Harry both fall asleep a little after Draco wraps his arm around Harry. 



Ok ya'll, so I just wanted to say thankyou for everyone who's been commenting and telling me how you feel about the story. I told a few of you I would post today so here it is for you, also thankyou for your suggestion on what I should do in the story coming up, I really appreciate it. 

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