"Why are you here?"

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They heard more coughing and gripped their wands tighter. Draco was in Narcissa's shoulder on guard waiting to see what will happen. As they were getting closer to the living area they kept hearing coughing. As they turned the corner into the living area they saw none other than "Dobby, what are you doing here?" Lucius says lowering his wand.

"Dobby, sir needs permission to bring Harry potter here." Severus and Narcissa lower their wands "Why would you bring harry potter here?" "Dobby swore to protect Harry and Harry potter is in danger sir" it was quiet for a few minutes as everyone processed what dobby had said "Fine, but no funny business" a very strict Lucius says. Draco's mind is wondering all over the place, why would dobby bring harry bloody potter to us out of all places, has he gone mental.

Everyone stares at Lucius for minutes before turning back to staring at dobby who had apparated back with harry potter who was on the floor unconscious. "Dobby, brings harry potter to you for help" Draco jumps off his mother's shoulder and crept toward he unconscious boy laying in his house, he sniffs him and its definitely harry. "Squeak" he felt bad for the boy, and hoped he was okay. There not on very good terms as they have always been at each others  throats but that doesn't mean he didn't feel bad. "Oh my" cissy comes rushing toward harry.



hey ya'll sorry this one is short but I just wanted to upload the first chapter tonight. Hope ya'll enjoys.  buh bye.


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