Chapter 4

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-Alois' P.O.V-

I lay under Sebastian's bed and I wait to see if Ciel can find me. I start to hear footsteps come towards the door, but the sound faded in a matter of seconds. I sighed hoping that he won't find me.

Out of nowhere I hear the door open. I breathe slowly and quietly so he would hear me. I see his footsteps come towards the bed. He looks under the bed, sees me, and says, "I found you." He sounded... a bit glad actually.

Normally he would sound annoyed when playing childish games, but I guess he's fine this time. I smile and I crawl out from under the bed. "It's your turn to hide now!" He looks at the clock that states 9:59 p.m. and says, "No, it's time for bed." I frown but then my smile came back because I know that I'll be sleeping with Ciel tonight. I blush then I run into his room.

I remove my purple jacket and my green and black striped vest then I lay down on the right side of the bed. Ciel goes to the bathroom and he changes into his night shirt. He then comes out and he lays right next to me.

I smile and start to close my eyes. How could his guest room already be taken? Nobody ever comes here except for his fiancé or me. I let my thoughts fade and I get drifted into darkness.

~In the morning~

-Ciel's P.O.V-
I wake up with Alois at my right side. I blush remembering that I lied about the guest room just so that I can sleep with him. I go to get up from my bed, but I feel something tug at my sleeve. I look behind me and I see Alois holding on to my sleeve. "Please don't leave me." He says to me. I blush and say, "I-I won't." I smile then I lay back down.

I wrap my arms around him and I pull him close to me. We both blush, but he smiles. I smile back at him and sigh. I look at the clock and I see it's seven forty. I have twenty minutes to get ready! I softy shake Alois to wake him up. He sits up and smiles at me. "We have to get ready, I'm going into town today and I thought since you are here you might as well come along" He nods then I go into the bathroom to get ready.

Once I get out I see Alois is already tying his boots. He looks up at me and he smiles. I never knew before all those other times that he could be so adorable. I tie my shoes and then i tell Sebastian to prepare the carriage for us. "Yes, my lord." he says but sounded a little pissed off. Stupid demon. I don't see why he hates him, there is nothing wrong with that boy.

I lead Alois out to the carriage and we get in. Alois sits right next to me and Sebastian closes the door. Alois leans his head on my shoulder and he soon falls asleep. I kiss his forehead and i smile to myself. I look out the window and wait for us to arrive. I got lost in my thoughts and before you know it we were in the town of London. The only reason i came here is just to check on one of my stores. I wake Alois up to let him know that we are here. I might get him some candy. ( A/N: Admit it, we all love candy! XD)

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