Chapter 6

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-Alois' P.O.V-

I run into the kitchen and see if I can find a cook book. I already know that Ciel will have his butler with him for a couple of hours.I find a cook book then I get everything I would need. This may take a while so if his butler comes in I'll have to distract him.I get everything I need and I begin to make him a cake. I mix the ingredients together, put the mix in a pan, and then I pit it in the oven. As the cake cooks I clean up the mess.

When the cake gets done I carefully take it out of the oven and I set it on the counter to cool off. I hope Ciel will like it.It eventually cools off and I get the frosting. I cover the vanilla cake in chocolate frosting then I go to take it up to Ciel's room.I reach Ciel's room and I knock on his door. "Ciel?" I say through the door as he open it. I hand him the cake then he looks at me.

I smile letting him know that I made it just for him. He smiles back at me then he let's me in. I help him get a piece of the cake so he can enjoy it.

-Ciel's P.O.V-

I take a bite of the cake that Alois had made me. To my surprise it was delicious. Just about as good as Sebastian's cooking. I explain to him how I liked his cooking and he smiled. I never expected him to do this for me. I give him a hug and he hugs me back. We let go of each other and enjoy the cake. Sebastian eventually comes in to give us some tea. As he is pouring the tea he gives Alois a glare.

I know he may not like Alois but I do. He had better clean up his act before I do something about it. I glare at my butler letting him know that he should back off. He goes back to pouring the tea then he bows taking his leave. I should watch over Alois.

-3rd P.O.V-

The demon butler makes his way down the hallways with the tea cart. He did not like Alois Trancy. He hated him and his butler. He doesn't want Alois to even be around his master. He can't really change their feelings about each other though. Maybe he'll have to learn to deal with it.

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