Bonus Chapter!!!

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Kian and Haley went with the flow a for a few weeks. They felt every bit the engaged couple; they found themselves holding hands in public and texting each other just to say hi. Haley even had to pass the ultimate test; dinner with Kian's cousin and aunt and uncle.

One night after the dinner, Kian woke up at dawn to Haley getting out of bed quickly and running to the bathroom. He heard her gagging.

"You okay?" He asked, upset. The image of her unconscious on the floor was still fresh in his mind.

Haley groaned and rested her forehead on the bathroom counter.

"Sorry. Just my stomach. It's probably a bug going around. I'll sleep on the couch. You need to go to work in a few hours." She managed to say that when she went back to the toilet.

Kian grimaced, knowing how sick she must be feeling. He got out a bottle of mouthwash for her.

"Swish and gargle to get the bad taste out." He said gently. When she was finished, he walked out with her to the living room and let her curl up on the couch. He covered her up with a throw blanket.

"Just relax and try get some more sleep." He soothed, kissing her on the top of the head. Haley drifted back off to sleep. Kian tried to fall back asleep, but the sound of Haley getting back up to throw up kept him awake. Instead of going on a jog, he went to a convenience store around the corner and got some things.

When he had to leave for work, he handed Haley the remote for the tv and her knitting bag.
"I got you some ginger ale and Gatorade to drink. There's some of that pink stuff in the bathroom cabinet if you want to take it." He said, wishing he could stay and look after her.

"Ugh. No. I took it a few times when I threw up when I was a kid; I'd always puke it back up."

"Ok. Just drink plenty of water." He brought an old mop bucket he kept in his closet. "This is in case you can't make it to the bathroom."

Kian found it hard to concentrate on work that day. It was a relief getting a text from Haley telling him that she was awake and feeling a little less nauseous.

When he came home that evening, he heated up a can of chicken noodle soup and opened a package of saltine crackers for Haley to eat. He made do with some leftovers. To cheer her up, he let her stream whatever she wanted to watch.

"How are you feeling right now?" He asked.

"My stomach still kind of hurts. Like when I have a migraine or my period."

Something made him ask a very important question.
"When was your last one?"

"Last month. I was due last week, but I've always been a little late." Haley answered honestly.

"Do you want to check?" He asked cautiously.

"You mean if I might be.....?"


Haley took a breath.

"Yes. Don't get a cheap one though. They aren't always a hundred percent accurate."

Kian came back from the chemist with the most expensive pregnancy test he could find.

"Here goes nothing," he said handing it to her.

"I just drank a ton of water. We should be all set soon." She said as they both went into the bathroom.

"I'd be ok with a kid you know." Kian said, hugging Haley. "No matter what happens, baby or not, let's get married."

"I think I'm ready to be the young wife to a handsome doctor." She smirked, kissing him on the jaw. "You think you can keep up with me?"

A few minutes later they were looking at the pregnancy test. The few seconds it took to register felt like an eternity. Finally.....negative. They both exhaled. A few minutes of silence had them in the living room. The tv was off, and a half-knitted baby bootie was on Haley's needles. Kian got something out of his bedroom.

"I think we might have to use this," he said, opening the box containing the ring.
Haley put her hands up to her mouth.
"Yes!" She squealed, hugging him so tight. "I love you so much."

Kian felt his heart swell. He was ready to love again after what both of them had been through. Their hearts were both ready to start again and find happiness.

To Heal A Heart: A Holby City Fan Fiction (Complete and updated) (Kian & OC #1)Where stories live. Discover now