Chapter 9

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It was a totally normal day a few weeks later, a Saturday in fact. Kian had the day off, but had to go into the office for a few hours to finish up some paperwork. He and Haley considered getting lunch when he came back. He noticed Haley looked a little in a daze, but he thought she was just lost in thought.

Kian came back to the flat around noon. However, it was empty. Haley was gone. At first he thought she had gone out to go shopping. He sent her a text; no response. Maybe her phone died unexpectedly. But then an hour had gone by and she wasn't back. He was headed out to see if she was waiting for him at the restaurant they were going to when he saw the note.

Kian, I'm sorry to scare you, but I just need to go back where I love one last time. Don't be afraid to contact the police. I just hurt from everything. Thank you for everything; at least one person cared. Haley.

Kian felt a wave of nausea and fear hit him. Had Haley left to end her own life? He had never read a suicide note before, but this definitely sounded like one. Desperate, he called Haley's phone. His anxiety mounted when all he got was a recording for voicemail.

"Haley? Are you there? It's me. Just pick up and tell me where you are. I'll find you!"

Kian kept looking at his phone as the the screen showed nothing but the wallpaper. Would Haley text him a message? Where was she? Her note said she was going where she loved. Where did she say that was? He felt his stomach knot at the memory. The Black Mountains. He thought he wouldn't go back. Now he had to find Haley. It wasn't a terribly long way to travel; it was near the Welsh border though. She must have taken a bus, since she didn't have a car. The weather was going to be bad, and Haley hadn't even taken a warm coat. Thinking fast, Kian grabbed some extra clothes, a heavy jacket, and all of the emergency supplies he always carried in case he needed them. Kian got into his car and headed for the destination. The right course of action would have been to call the police, but what if it was too late? What if they only held up the search with questioning him? Hours sped by, and Kian silently prayed that Haley was alright.

It was cold when he made it to the mountains. He searched any area Hayley might be, the quietness only intensifying his fear. All he could think about was Vanessa when she was alone and cold when her was forced to leave her to get help. At least now he had a secret weapon; a find-my-friend app that they had both installed on their phones in case Haley got caught in an unfamiliar part of the city. The little blue dot looked relatively close, but it wasn't moving.
Finally, he made it to an all too familiar stretch of cliffs. He noticed a flash of color near a clump of boulders, and recognized it as Haley's jacket. He ran to her, his heart catching in his throat. Kneeling down, he noticed that her eyes were closed. He held his breath, but noticed her chest rising and falling.

Kian's hand shook as he reached out to check her pulse. Thankfully, it was strong. He shook her shoulder gently.
"Haley, it's me. Wake up for me, love. You have to wake up." He whispered. Tears threatened to form at the sight of her.

Haley opened her eyes, and her eyes slowly focused. She was freezing and was shivering.

Haley's eyes fluttered open, and her teeth chattered as she choked back a sob.
" found me!" She cried out, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Yeah. It's okay. You're going to be okay."
Kian sat by her as she huddled closely to him.
"So cold..."
Kian dug out the heavy jacket he had packed and wrapped it around her, helping her get her cold-numbed arms into the sleeves. It seemed to help. Still, she was shivering.

"I'm sorry...I didn't have time to get a coat. I just ran away because I don't want to face reality anymore." Her voice was soft as she tried to reason with herself. Kian sensed Haley didn't want to talk about her decision for the time being, so he let her settle in some. They both just held onto each other, the safety and warmth neither one could have imagined feeling.
"It's alright. I'm here." He handed her a canteen of hot coffee, and she drank it, her lips almost blue from cold.

Kian was happy that Haley didn't seem to have any signs of hypothermia. She was so weak from cold, he had to carry her back down the mountain. He buckled her into the car, and cranked up the heater.

Haley didn't speak the whole way. Rain had picked up, and Kian made a quick decision.
"Let's stop somewhere for tonight. I don't have to be back to work until Monday."
Haley nodded weakly in agreement.

To Heal A Heart: A Holby City Fan Fiction (Complete and updated) (Kian & OC #1)Where stories live. Discover now