Chapter 11

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They made it back to the flat early the next afternoon. Kian knew that Haley probably didn't want to go out or anything, so he got pizza for dinner and even bought her some pretty colored yarn to cheer her up.
"Haley, I got a surprise for you, love." He said, as he came through the door.
"Oh! Pizza and fancy yarn! You do know the way to a woman's heart." She squealed, hugging him as he set the purchases on the counter. She had taken a shower to freshen up after the long ride home and put her pajamas on.

They devoured the pizza as they curled up on the sofa together with a movie, Haley feeling so comforted in Kian's protective arms. They topped it off with some pineapple for an impromptu dessert.
When the movie was over, Haley went to take care of the dishes. It was then that Kian heard the crash. He rushed to the kitchen.
"Is everything okay?" He breathed, he was still on edge from yesterday.
Haley was sitting in the middle of a spread of plate shards, holding her foot.
"I'm so clumsy! I tripped and dropped the plate and stepped on the sharp bits!"
Kian reached over the disaster area and sat Haley on the counter. He handed her a wad of paper towels to hold on her cut foot and swept up the mess.

When he had the floor safely cleaned, he took Haley into his room and sat her on the edge of the bed. He went to the bathroom to get some first aid stuff.
"Hold still and let me look at it." He said as he came back in, taking off the paper towels. There was a lot of blood, but nothing some disinfectant and a plaster couldn't take care of.
Kian swabbed the cut with some rubbing alcohol. Haley winced.
"Sorry." He said apologetically. He applied a plaster on the insole of Haley's foot.
"Do you have a gentle touch with all your patients?" Haley asked, taking a few experimental steps.
"Surgeon's hands. Usually I'm up to my wrists in a person's chest cavity, though."
"TMI!" Haley moaned, flopping back on his bed as he went to wash his hands.

He came back into the bedroom, seeing Haley sitting on his bed still. She got up sorely, walking over to Kian. She stood on her tiptoes, taking the pressure off her injured foot. Kian put his hands on her shoulders to steady her, and she kissed him softly on the lips. He lifted her off the floor slightly, just to take her back to the living room.
He ended up tripping over his own feet and landed on the bed. Haley landed on him, giggling. They laughed together; he had a hearty but soft laugh, his face crinkling up with a huge smile. He dipped his head so his and Haley's foreheads were touching. She ran her fingers through the soft hair on his head. She was still in shock from the events of yesterday, but she could tell things were different between them. They stayed quiet for a few seconds as they enjoyed the light hearted embrace, but as they looked in to each other's eyes, they started kissing each other passionately.

"I've thought about you a lot, Kian. I want you, too." She replied, kissing him again.

Haley kissed him again, and Kian ran his fingers through her soft hair.
She savored the feeling of his hand in her hair and felt it move until his palm rested on her cheek.
"I love you, Kian." She whispered, feeling her heart swell with both happiness and longing.
"I wish I could get my heart to feel the same way about you. If only I wasn't tainted with everything that's happened to the people I loved." He answered, his eyes staring into hers, taking the lightness of just moments before.
"No, you're just like me. We both carry grief. You carry guilt.  Our hearts were broken, and they still are healing."
"Then let me heal yours, I am a heart surgeon, you know." He whispered against her skin. Haley smiled, almost laughing as they kissed. Realizing how close their hearts, how close they could be.

There was a look of momentary playful innocence on both their faces as the kissed again. Kian smelled like he had just gotten out of a shower.
It was the smell of soap, and moisturizer, the smell of home.
Haley was still on top of Kian, her leg resting between his thighs.

His lips tenderly caressed her forehead, and she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Rolling so she was lying on her back, Haley lifted Kian's shirt off of his solid torso. He was strong and muscled, and she traced the bold lines of his sleeve tattoo with the same delicate fingers that could knot a bracelet or knit baby clothes. He tried to keep from shuddering at her touch, but felt his body respond. His mouth covered hers, and he could taste the fresh fruit they had eaten with dinner. They broke the kiss long enough to get a breath.

To Heal A Heart: A Holby City Fan Fiction (Complete and updated) (Kian & OC #1)Where stories live. Discover now