Chapter 26

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After the meeting I decided to call my mom because I knew exactly how she was going to react. 

"Hello dear! I can't believe you actually called me first!" She said excitedly, I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Hey mom, I just wanted to know if it would be okay if I brought Elena and Liam over for dinner?" I asked.

"Oh my goodness, of course you can! What time do you think you'll be here?"

"Well  Elena gets off in an hour. She'll probably want to take a shower and change first. So maybe in a couple of hours?"

"Oh okay, that's fine dear. You'll be spending a night right?"

"Yeah, I guess we will."

"Great! We'll see you then!" She said and hung the phone up. 

I left the police station and headed home. When I got there I decided to take a quick shower, then I picked Liam up from Marina, and headed to the hospital. I hadn't been there but a couple of minutes when she walked outside. A big smile quickly spread across my face, she looked so amazing. 

I opened my door and stepped out of the car to meet her. She ran into my arms catching me completely by surprise. For a moment I simply enjoyed her warm body leaning against me. But then I realized she was sobbing, the thought of her crying was heartbreaking.

I stood frozen for a few seconds then I wrapped my arms tightly around her, "Hey,  what's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"We lost a baby and the mom is in a coma because of her abusive husband," she blurted into my chest. 

I rubbed her back gently, hoping it might soothe her a little. I didn't know what to say or do to make her feel better. 

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that, especially on your second day," I said, sadly. "We don't have to go to my parents house if you don't want to, I'd completely understand."

She shook her head, "No I need the distraction. My boss is already making me stay home for a couple of days." 

"Well let's get going then," I said, as I opened the car door and guided her into the passenger seat. 

She slowly climbed inside. I went to the other side of the car and got in. I pulled out of the hospital parking lot and headed towards home.

"Momma are we really going to meet daddy's momma and daddy today?" Liam asked excitedly. 

I smiled softly knowing my parents would adore him just as much as I do. 

"Yes, we're going to meet them. But, first I have to go home and get ready. Do you want to wear something nice for them too?" Elena asked Liam. I looked into the  rearview mirror and saw Liam pondering the idea.

"Yes, I want to momma," Liam finally answered.

It took us about  twenty-five minutes to get back home, then another thirty minutes to get Liam and Elena ready. By the time we got to the car my hands were starting to sweat from the nerves of them meeting my parents. The car ride was quiet, which I was grateful for. It was only a five to ten minute drive from the pack house to where my parents house was. 

Elena got out of the car and went around to the back to unbuckle Liam from his car seat. She pulled Liam out of the car and we started towards the front door. We held onto Liam's hands as I opened the door to my parents house. Before I could even announce our arrival I heard my mom screamed in delight and rushed towards us.

"Hey mom, sorry we were a little bit late. This is Elena and her son, Liam. Elena, Liam, this is my mom, Lisa." I introduced them to each other, showing them to the sitting area. My mom started to get teary-eyed and hugged Elena tightly. 

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