Chapter 21

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I hung up the phone and rolled a pen back and forth between my fingers. My mind started running wild as ideas started flipping through my head, I wanted to plan something for Elena to celebrate her new job. Luke entered the room interrupting my thoughts, I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"You do know that just because you're my best friend and Beta, doesn't mean that you can just walk into my office without knocking right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes slightly in irritation.

He smirked at me then tossed a thick envelope on my desk, it landed with a soft thud, " Well, I thought you might want to see this," he said, his grin suddenly vanished and was replaced by a very grim expression. 

"I'm starting to understand why you wanted info on the ex. Elena was adopted, but not by this Gianna woman," Luke said, as I started flipping through the papers. I thoroughly scanned page after page and I felt my blood begin to boil. 

"There's something I don't understand though. I feel like Dalton and this Gianna woman have a connection, but I can't actually find anything," I said, a bit confused. Suddenly Luke froze.

"What?" I growled, looking at him quizzically.  

"You remember you said that tree was cut? Well, some pack members and I went back out there and we picked up the scent of a rogue wolf. It was all around the tree and the car. I also thought I might have smelled it on Gianna but I wasn't sure..." he said. 

I shot out of my chair and balled up my fists, I tried to keep my anger at bay. If I didn't get control of myself I would do something I'd regret. I walked over to the window and started trying to process this new information. 

"Anything else you forgot to mention to me?" I asked coldly.

"No, Sir," he said, bowing his head slightly.

"Then leave my office, and tell my nosey parents I said hi while you're at it," I said, looking down at him. 

His slightly submissive head position calmed me a little, but the anger still radiated off me. He met my eyes then sheepishly looked away.

"Your parents are just worried about you, since you never go to see them," he said as he got up from his chair and moved towards the door. 

I let out a deep breath as I heard the door close. I rubbed a hand across the back of my neck then decided I needed a break. So I walked down the hall to the daycare. I had only been there a couple of seconds when he spotted me. He jumped up and ran towards me almost tripping over his own feet several times in his haste. I smiled to myself and felt my whole body suddenly relax. 

"Hey there buddy, are you having fun?" I asked,  as I squatted down next to him.

He smiled at me, "Yeah! I made a picture for you and momma! This is you," he pointed at a weird shape I didn't recognize, "and this is my momma," he said beaming at me proudly. 

I smiled at him and told him how good it looked.  I glanced up and sighed in defeat when I saw Elena's mom standing on the other side of him. I honestly wasn't all that surprised. 

"I should have known that you wouldn't give up and leave them alone. Elena's just as stubborn as you are... I hope you didn't tell him anything you shouldn't have. He's still very young and I think his mom should tell him. I'm sorry it has to be like this," I said, running a hand through my hair. 

She let out a breath and rolled her eyes, "Of course I didn't say anything. But I wanted to see him, maybe get to know him a little.  I just want to have a bond with him, something I've been denied his whole life, and hers too," Marina said softly. 

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