Chapter 7: Revelation

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I woke up and slowly looked around, it took me a moment to remember where I was. Then I realized that I was in the forest. I was looking for my mom and Liam. I opened the car door and climbed carefully out.

"Mom? Liam?" I called out into the woods.

When I heard nothing I sighed and looked back at the truck. I walked around it to see what the damage was but it was a little strange to me. There was only damage to the front passenger side. Hmm maybe she tried to swerve to miss it?

So, if they weren't seriously injured, where were they? Why weren't they looking for me? As I thought about that night a little more, there was another thing that didn't make any sense.

"Why wasn't I anywhere near the car? How did I end up in the middle of the woods?" I said to myself, knowing I wouldn't get any answers here.

While I was looking at the busted windshield of the suv I heard a noise, like a twig breaking. I looked around as my heart started beating frantically. Had Alec found me?

"H-Hello? Is anyone there?" I said. I waited to see or hear anything move but it was quiet, almost in an eerie way. I sighed to myself, just my imagination, nothing to worry about, I said to myself.

I sighed to myself then got into the car to see if it would start, to my surprise it did. I checked the gas and decided to go to the nearest town so I could get some help finding my mom. I punched it into the gps and pulled around the remains of the tree before starting down the road. Then I heard wolves howling behind me, they sounded kinda close. Do wolves roam in the daylight? I thought they slept during the day and came out at night, at least that's what I'd read. The weirdness of it made me feel a bit strange and panicky, I shook it off and pushed it from my mind.

I pulled into Olympia just as the sun was setting. I looked down at the GPS to check the directions and headed towards the police station. I parked the SUV in their parking lot and got out of the car.

I started towards the door but felt a sharp pain shoot up my leg. Until now I'd completely forgotten I twisted my ankle, I slowly limped to the station. I walked through the door, a bell jingle, and an officer sitting behind a desk looked up at me. I must have looked a mess after my run through the woods because she jumped up and rushed over to help me into a seat.

"I'm going to call an ambulance to have you checked over, please stay here," the officer said, looking me over and talking in my injuries. Then she went off to make the call and another officer came up to me.

"What happened to you ma'am?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to answer him and was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned my head and I gasped in surprise. It was Alec! What the hell? I started to panic.

"Lieutenant Bennett, I will talk to this young lady."

The officer next to me smiled at him and nodded, "Understood, Commander Lambert. Young lady it was nice to meet you," The officer said then walked away.

I frowned up at Alec. "How did you find me?" I whispered to him.

He sighed and crouched down next to me then gently picked my ankle and rested it on his knee. "Is this from running away?" He asked, ignoring my question.

I crossed my arms. I can play this game, I said to myself. I tried to move my ankle away from him but he gripped my foot and it hurt to continue pulling against him.

"I didn't know that you worked here," I said, talking in his uniform. "Since it's your job, can you help me find my mom and son?"

"Well if you'd stuck around long enough I could've told you. And yes, I already told you I was going to help you with that before you ran away."

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