Chapter 28

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A shrill sound startled them awake, Alec threw back the covers and jumped to his feet ready to face an attacker.

“It’s just the phone silly,” I said, picking my cell phone up off the bedside table where I’d left it to charge the night before. 

“Oh. Well why is it ringing,” he asked, laying back down and pulling her against his bare chest. 

I leaned into him and answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Elena?” someone asks, from the other side of the phone.

“Yes, who’s this?” I asked, checking the time and seeing that it was six a.m.

“It’s Greg from the hospital. I know you were supposed to have the day off but Emily Is sick. Do you think you could come in and cover for her? I’m sorry to even ask, but as you know we’re already short staffed,” he said, sounding a bit stressed.

“Sure, It’s okay, I can come in. It’ll just take me about an hour or so to get there.”

“Thanks, you're awesome, see you in a bit,” he said, before hanging up the phone.

Elena twisted around in Alec’s arms and kissed him hard on the lips. He kissed her back then pulled away, “So, you’re going in to the hospital?”

“Yeah, sorry. But you know how it is for us since we both help people. Mine might be a little different than yours but it’s still the same thing." I said, before climbing out of the bed.

“Yeah no biggie. Maybe Liam and I can spend the day fishing or something, there’s a pond out behind the house.”

“Oh that sounds great, I’m sure he’d love that. Well I have to go get ready for work, why don’t you get some more sleep?”

“Then who’s gonna drive you to work?”

“Well mister, I guess I’ll just drive myself since I’m perfectly capable, and one of us needs to be here when Liam wakes up, so you can’t take me silly,” I said with a chuckle, as I stood up from the bed. I gathered the sheets around me and went straight into the bathroom. 

I heard his sexy laugh fill the room right before I closed the door, "You know I saw everything last night right?”

"So what?" I said then shut the door. 

I took a nice long shower making sure I washed everything off from last night's activities. I got out, quickly put on some clothes, and did my other morning routines. There was a knock at the door.

 "I thought you might like your coffee and breakfast in here. Since you’re in a hurry," Alec stated, from the other side of the door. I opened it and saw the breakfast tray on the bed. 

I smiled softly, "That's really sweet. But, I was just going to get a mug of coffee and maybe some toast on the way out the door," I said, apologetically. 

He gave me a sad look and I couldn't help myself, I laughed. "You look just like your dad, when he got chewed out by your mom."

He smiled with a hint of pink to his face. Before I opened the door to the room, I felt his arms slide around my waist.

"Do you have to go? I know why you want to, but I don’t know something just feels off," he said, concerned. 

I smiled at his clinginess, "Yes I'm sure. Nothing is going to happen. You probably just feel weird because I’m driving myself. I’m not going to promise because I don't know what the future holds, but everything is fine Mr. Alpha Male," I said, with a lighthearted giggle.

He sighed then kissed the top of my forehead, "Fine, but be careful. You know, don’t speed, avoid sharp objects, don’t go down any dark alleys, all that good stuff.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes then turned to leave. “Wait,” he said, catching my hand. 

I turned back towards him. “I love you," he said, kissing the top of my hand. 

I smiled up at him, "I love you too."

I walked out of the room and down the hall. I grabbed the car keys from a bowl next to the door on my way out. I was thrilled to actually be driving myself for once. It pushed everything else out of my mind, and I’m not gonna lie, I might have been speeding a little on my way to the hospital in my excitement. 

I got out of the car and walked in and was greeted by the receptionist and Greg, "Thanks for doing this again," he said, relieved. 

"It's no problem. I need to be here to keep my mind busy anyway." 

"Well since you're here let’s get down to business. We have two ladies about to bring babies into the world and no one has prepared for the doctors, or really helped the patients."

"Oh gosh, I'll be right there!" I rushed towards the labor and delivery section.

I stopped at the nurses station and she gave me both of their charts, I immediately went to their rooms and got them situated. By the time I got done it was ten o'clock, a few hours later the first baby was delivered. The second woman was facing a long labor still, she was only about 3 centimeters dilated so I decided to take a short break. 

I made my way outside to a little garden area near the front entrance, it was kind of private with a partial wall around it. It was for patients and visitors that needed a minute to themselves, but the nurses  liked to sit here sometimes too. It had a little koy pond in the middle with a waterfall and I found the sound of it very relaxing. 

I realized I still had my gloves on so I took them off and threw them in the trash bin next to the entrance to the garden. I sat down on a bench close to the entrance so I could see the doors to the lobby in case anyone came looking for me. I rested my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the water running over the rocks trying to tune everything out and relax. Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed me by the hair, before I could scream a strong hand holding a white cloth covered my mouth and nose.  I also felt a sharp pain run down my neck, I tried to escape but it was too late. My body wasn't moving, it was like my mind couldn’t comprehend what I was telling it to do. I started to panic and then I felt my consciousness slipping into utter darkness. 

I uttered one final word before everything went black, "Alec."

Hey guys! I'm back from dealing with a lot of drama. Hopefully I won't have any until this book is over with

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